Take your joy seriously

joyThe Angels – Before you came to earth, you intended to experience life with a spirit of adventure, discovery, and desire. You intended to create joy, seek joy, and share joy, for joy is a celebration of love and love is your natural state of being.

When you do anything with joy, you tune into the pure creative energy of the universe. When you take delight in anything in your present moment, you open to the flows of grace. When you savor a sip of your coffee, delight in the smiles of your children, or simply admire a passing cloud, you are feeling nothing less than the presence of the Divine.

Your joy need not wait for perfect conditions. You can always seek it in the here and now. To feel joy, you don’t require health, wealth, or love. If you are sick you can find joy in the comforting touch of a loved one, in your favorite blanket, or in the sweet peace of sleep. If you feel impoverished you can find joy in the vast abundance of natural delights and the wealth of kind souls. If you are feeling lonely you can savor a perfect moment of smelling a rose, sitting in silence in front of a beautiful piece of art, or listening to the strains of an uplifting song. Continue reading