Mainstream Fake News Media Losing the Info War

fake newsTruth Hammer – It’s funny watching mainstream media try to label people like Cates & Patel Patriot as “QAnon extremists”.

Let’s have fun unpacking that a bit. These are guys who focus 100% on open source intelligence, and 0% on Q. I know Patel a bit behind the scenes and he’s been very clear that he’s never even read the Q drops, because he didn’t want any posts by an unverifiable source to influence his research (my wording, not his). Continue reading

On the Mother of all Conspiracies [Video]

conspiracyAnn Kreilkamp – Before I refer you to an even larger — imagined? channeled? intuitively known? — in any case, assiduously analyzed, dot-connected, and summarized —  sweeping panorama of what appears as a gigantic virus/election “sting” (or conspiracy theory?) or “TRAP,” the unfoldment of which is still unrolling across our mental landscape, with the 2020 election “defeat” of President Trump as “BAIT,” you might want to absorb this essay. Very well done. I was going to excerpt from it here, but every single paragraph says it all in its own way. Simply stunning. Thank you, Tim Foyle.

On the Psychology of the Conspiracy Denier

A Closer Look at the Class that Mocks

Okay, one excerpt, this one Foyle’s view of various other causes that surround and buttress the context of his understanding of the utterly foundational root of those stuck in “conspiracy” denial: failure to outgrow the original, natural, psychology of the human infant. Continue reading

QAnon:The Media’s Latest Obsession

QanonBrian C. Joondeph – Big media has had multiple obsessions during President Trump’s first term. From Stormy and Avenatti to the myriad tell-all books about Trump, his administration, and his family. From Russia and an innocuous phone call to Ukraine, to his taxes and how many scoops of ice cream he is served.

These are all red herrings, a way to pick at Trump while studiously avoiding serious policy issues, what he is actually accomplishing as president, promises made becoming promises kept. Continue reading

The Montauk Project Meets Q [Video]

SwerdlowAlexandra Bruce – Twenty years ago, I was the Line Producer of the main segment of a TV pilot about the Montauk Project for a series that was successfully sold to British Channel 4, which you can see here.

At the time, I was in the middle of writing a book about the Montauk Project that had been commissioned by Peter Moon of Sky Books, publisher of the notorious underground series by survivors of the Montauk Project, including the late Preston Nichols and Stewart Swerdlow. Having met and interviewed the main proponents of the story, I was able to convince them to let me bring a TV crew into their homes.

I was later mortified when the Producer edited the footage into a takedown of Preston and Stewart. Preston was past caring but Stewart was furious at me and I felt as used as he did.

During that very strange 4-year period, I immersed myself in this story and became close friends with the late Glenn Pruitt, son of Jack, who everybody claimed was the Director of the Project, in charge of hiring, firing and paying personnel. Continue reading