Democrats Hold a Terrible Hand of Race Cards

PelosiBrian C Joondeph, MD – Name calling is the last refuge for one losing an argument. Much like a roundhouse punch that hits nothing but air, it’s a final effort in a losing fight. But it’s also been the one reliable punch for Democrats, playing the race card against opponents.

Not so much now, however. Shouting, “You’re a racist!” has been the preferred comeback for Democrats on the losing side of an argument. Alternatives to the word racist include Nazi, bigot, fascist, homophobe, sexist, and so on, but racist has the best quick jab-like sting.

Sometimes name calling can fall flat, as in calling Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh a sexist or misogynist, as Democrats did in his confirmation hearings. In reality he is the first Supreme Court justice to hire an entirely female group of clerks, something even the “Notorious RBG,” hero of the left, hasn’t done. Continue reading