Blue Pill or Red Pill – Choose Wisely

red pillJohn Green – I’ve been writing a great deal about buyer’s remorse.  But just when I think I’ve said everything that needs to be said on the subject, it suddenly gets even worse.  President Asterisk’s poll numbers are going south faster than a Minnesota snowbird in October.  But, not to be undone, President-elect Harris is racing old Joe to the bottom of the scale.  Even liberals are starting to disclose how truly nasty and unlikeable the duo really are.  Has Joe managed to “red pill” the population?

In our modern-day version of The Matrix, the left has been attempting to “blue pill” us with their incessant propaganda.  However, some are experimenting with the red pill.  They’re opening their eyes and seeing the truth for the first time.  It’s the blue pill for the leftist Kool-Aid and the red pill for truth and reality — a rather appropriate color choice — no? Continue reading

QAnon:The Media’s Latest Obsession

QanonBrian C. Joondeph – Big media has had multiple obsessions during President Trump’s first term. From Stormy and Avenatti to the myriad tell-all books about Trump, his administration, and his family. From Russia and an innocuous phone call to Ukraine, to his taxes and how many scoops of ice cream he is served.

These are all red herrings, a way to pick at Trump while studiously avoiding serious policy issues, what he is actually accomplishing as president, promises made becoming promises kept. Continue reading

The Final 2019 Jump Has Occurred

light warriorMorag – Quantum leap gateway closed. The final jump of 2019 has happened. Light workers, warriors, earth guardians, healers, Seers, light missionaries still walking the material plane… WE MADE IT. We are in 5d.

The Shift is energetic. We raised our vibrations through intensive childhood, ancestral and past life karmic clearing, forcing all those not on our wavelength to back the f off.

We have taken control of our lives, wrenched our sovereignty out the claws of the users and abusers, the liars and deceivers. Their lives are their own business now. They shriek, growl, howl and spit as we cut the cords, cutting off their energy supply from us. Our lives are ours now. We create, we manifest, we breathe life into our dreams, we manifest with truth in our hearts. Continue reading

Are Google and YouTube Blocking Searches for Red Pill Videos?

red pillKarin McQuillan – A year or so ago, there were a spate of articles about the red pill videos on YouTube – millennials turning off to the bullying by feminists and race hustlers, thinking for themselves, becoming conservative, and posting a video of their personal journey from blue to red online. I googled ‘red pill’ and had a cheerful time following links. I learned about Candace Owens at that time, and a lot of other black and white millennials who had posted articulate, heartfelt, intimate, sometimes funny YouTubes explaining why they’d become conservative.

For months afterward, when I was sick of all the bad news about millennials becoming little fascists, I would turn to the red pill videos and cheer myself up.  And then I found I could no longer find them.  When I went to YouTube and searched for red pill, all I got was the documentary by that name (worth seeing) available for $3.99.

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An Extremely Inconvenient Truth

americaJames Gilliland – America and the world are going to have to swallow a very large red pill. It is unfolding as we speak. I know I will get some extreme feedback from extremely ignorant people who have been brainwashed and programmed by CNN and the other lame stream media.

A great master once said, “Who wants to be worshiped by wretched entities.” All I can say for those who take offense, thank you for establishing your ignorance and your character. These things need to be said. I can’t be PC correct either in doing so. There are those who already know of what comes next, to you. Thank you for maintaining your integrity and keeping an open mind.

I first want to disclaim being political, a democrat or a republican. I am an observer of the obvious. I would like to see a council of grandmothers or a Galactic Federation running the show however before that would ever happen, we have some serious cleanup to do. Continue reading