Give From A Well That Is Full

The Quantum Awakening | September 18 2012

Everyday you honor the world with your prayers, with your words, with your intentions, and yet your personal life is falling apart at the seams. Your energy is scattered. Your physical body is exhausted, and your sleep patterns are disrupted. Your life has not been swept, cleaned or dusted because you are so busy giving your light away like a frivolous lighthouse keeper and not honoring your own needs. Giving yourself as a sacrificial lamb, to every cause will not get you ahead of the game. Like a woman on a desert with a baby, she would automatically give the last water to the child, but she would perish. Who would then save the child? There is no future in giving until you are gone.

The ancient texts and mystery schools spoke of the energy of giving. Giving from a well that was full, giving from a well that was cleansed and purified. When you are full of love, and light– it radiates out touching everything in its path 360 degrees. In this radiating there is a ripple effect, a multiplication of energy, touching everything from the blades of grass to the unfound stars.

When you are personally empty – no matter how many prayers you direct, how much light you radiate, how many affirmations and meditations you speak and pray – it will not reach its desired destination. You can only truly give when you are full.

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Encountering Our Firewalls

Myss Daily Practice

BuddhaThe other day I spoke with a woman who told me that she was concerned that she was doing something wrong on her spiritual path. She came to this conclusion because she remained confused about what she should do with her life, and that confusion continually added to her emotional and mental stress. Surely, she surmised, she must have taken a wrong turn somewhere along her spiritual path, otherwise she would not be in such a crisis. Right?

Earlier I had spoken with a man after a lecture who reported that he, like this woman, had obviously lost his way on his spiritual journey. He said that he began “dabbling” in spirituality a few years ago after his divorce. Finding himself in an emotionally vulnerable situation – aka: he was alone for the first time in years – he believed that spirituality was his way through loneliness. But in spite of all the books on spirituality that he had read and all the workshops he had attended, he declared with a bit of anger that he was still lonely. So, what was he doing wrong? Was he reading the wrong books? Was he going to the wrong workshops? What’s with this spiritual stuff and why isn’t it working, he wondered.

I could provide any number of additional examples of stories from people whose life situations reflect more or less the same confusion about their spiritual path: I’m still unhappy/confused/angry/broke/etc., so did I take a wrong turn on my spiritual path? Most of the stories have a few points in common. First, people assume that something is going wrong “in the heavens” so far as they are concerned because the problems that they want solved or dissolved just won’t go away. Do they need different prayers? Or maybe more candles would help?

Sometimes people begin to despair that they’ve been duped; that is, the problem solving solutions, chants, and mantras they invested in are just not working – or at least not as effectively as they had counted on. One young man actually said, “You know, maybe I should have tried Buddhism. I like that idea about seeing life as a bunch of nothing, ya know? Cuz that makes sense to me.” I thought, “I could see how you and nothingness would get along just fine.”

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Keys for Making Peace with Your Past

Earth’s Pivotal Years | December 15 2011

You are a spiritual being, your body being the expression of your spirit here on Earth.

DNAYour family gave you roots, a physical foundation and beginning for your life. For most people, the early years with family involved lots of dysfunction. After all, the majority of caretakers haven’t mastered unconditional love – they pass their dysfunctional patterns on to the next generation. Whether your caretaker was a parent or another person, you learned his or her view of life. You learned to see the world through a dysfunctional lens. When you are older, you may blame your family, being angry about how you were treated and the convoluted notions you learned to see as truth.

As a divine change-maker, you know that blaming is no solution. You know you must take responsibility for your own life. You know that you can choose a different path than the one you were shown. You may even be aware that your early conditioning can be healed by addressing it on a DNA level.

How do you make peace with your early life – honoring your roots while also healing from the effects of those same roots? The following are five tips for making peace with your past.

Five Tips to Make Peace with Your Past

Themes – Ask your inner wisdom to show you key problematic themes from childhood that are not yet fully cleared on a DNA level. Examples could be shyness in public, self-sabotage when you feel hurt, jealously, or lack of boundaries. How you know an issue remains within your DNA is that the issue comes up today in a problematic way – causing you distress. Healing occurs in layers over time – to be complete you must address the root of it in your DNA, including patterns hidden from view in your subconscious.

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Lisa Renee | Energetic Synthesis
December 13 2011

Dear Family,

Egyptian Mystery SchoolAs we close out these final days that lead us into the mysterious ending cycle of 2012, we are at the stage of growth which requires our direct Participation with the inner and outer self. We are being pushed in every conceivable way from the inner, outer and in-between energetic influences to participate in new ways with our sense of a “new self”. We have a new self that is emerging now. This is the way our spiritual essence transforms the physical body to higher and higher levels of energetic congruency and alignment with the Source. When we are embodied (we have built our “spiritual house” through our consciousness participation) we are then congruent with our inner spirit light and as a result, our life experience is much more peaceful, fulfilling and easy. As we become more and more aligned to our true inner essence, spiritual alchemy transpires and radiates a new outward emanation of the self. This process leads to a direct change in our “sense of self” which ultimately changes our goals, ideals and where we place our attention as a priority. At this time, many of us are undergoing a change of values, a change of focus and attention, a change of ideals and priorities. We are being cut away from the external distractions and being given “holding patterns” to get to more inner clarity. (This is the sensation of living in “suspended animation”, where stillness and silence is being forced into your setting at longer intervals of time. Many times to the untrained mind this can be unnerving.) We are being shifted, molded, directed and pushed into the pattern of inner alignment that is especially required now for our movement into the New Year.

The paradox that is inherent within the “knowing” of the real inner self, is that we are lead to the experience of “direct knowing” that we are fully connected to God Source, and thus connected to all things. We have to know ourselves in order to know God. We are not independent but interdependent to all of Life. However, we must become independent (Own our Personal Power) in order to learn to become interdependent. (Express Unity and Harmony with Life) So the revelation of the inner self, once defined through many experiences, ultimately expresses true Unity with All things. We must have knowing to what we are not in order to have the direct revelation of knowing who we really are. This requires meeting the dark resistance inside us and in our external reality “face to face” with honesty. Many people meet the dark resistance (fears, energetic blockages, miasma) with denial and it stunts their personal growth, destined to repeat the painful experience again and again. This time requires our conscious participation and developed spiritual maturity to accept circumstances as they are, above our own personal comfort. Being transparent without resistance to the extenuating circumstances (such as appeared external darkness or injustice in the world) is the most effective way to perform the spiritual alchemy that transforms difficult and painful patterns into higher resolution and clarity.

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Relax Into your Divine Nature

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
November 30 2011

You can find it is soooo easy to let go of everything bothering you right now and relax deeply into the very heart and soul of your being.

Something so sweet, healing and truly Divine happens the moment that you trust this relaxation process. Your essential Nature is so exquisite and beautiful that if I could show you that this is who you really are you would not believe me!

My invitation for you today is to simply relax and soften into your very core essence that is beyond thoughts, words and concepts. Be very still and know that you are this God Source!

If anyone you meet on your journey in life who says that you are not Divine, turn around and silently walk away. You are truly magnificent and it is your purpose to know this truth deeply, intimately, and in your heart of hearts.

The more you can relax the juicier your life becomes.