Does It Resonate?

Does It ResonateJennifer Hoffman – Resonance is important now, which is the synergy of frequency and vibration between two objects that could be people, events, situations, or locations. Resonance is the new buzz word meaning how something feels to you but it is a little more complicated than that. If you find that you are uncomfortable with a lot of what you see and hear in the world today, you can no longer connect with old, familiar things in your life, you’re experiencing resonance dissonance. Resonance is a great way to ascertain energetic synergy but it is so much more than that as you will discover in this week’s article and podcast. Continue reading

Non-Duality And The Matrix Of Creation

A Hathor Planetary Message – In this message we wish to address the paradox of how you create positive outcomes that unfold in time and space from non-dual states of consciousness, which by their very nature transcend both time and space as you perceive them.

Non-dual states of consciousness, which we call the Mother of All Things (i.e., the Void), are the wellspring and the source of manifest reality. We have found that using non-dual states of consciousness as a springboard to create positive outcomes generates more masterful creations.

One of the paradoxes involved in the perception of non-dual states is the fact that you perceive these states via your nervous system, which is firmly rooted in duality. Indeed as you read these words, or hear them spoken, the bioelectric fluctuations in your brain and nervous system operate from a dualistic template. Continue reading

The Human Cymatics Vibrational Wave Machine

Emoto water crystal formed when thoughts of love were projected into water

Zen Gardner – We’re being moved around, sifted and sorted, purged and purified, as much as we’ll allow. What an amazing time!

We need each other, and amazingly we’re finding each other. Cymatics is such a fascinating field, how resonant vibration literally moves molecules into beautiful geometric patterns. Conversely, disharmonious energy makes for chaotic and literally ugly patterns, as proven by the late Masaru Emoto’s research with intention and water molecules. But the implications on human alignment and behavior are immense.

It’s all about energy, vibration, resonance. How particles and waves work in the medium of this physical universe, even in the context of quantum physics, is absolutely fascinating. So called science is on the verge of truly integrating metaphysics with physics, as some already have. The implications and possible repercussions on the collective are enormous.

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The Difference Between True and False Resonance

resonanceBernhard Guenther – Many people (myself included) talk sometimes about “resonating” with something or not when determining the “truth” of a particular writing, teaching or information. It’s that non-verbal intuitive “knowing”.

However, there can also be “false resonating” (positively or negatively) when it is mistaken for wishful thinking or based on (unconscious) projections or triggers. Sometimes, the false part within us based on conditioning, programming, and wounding resonates with something which we mistake for our true self, resulting in false resonance, or we reject the truth of something because it challenges deep ingrained belief systems we are identified with and hence “don’t resonate with it” because it brings up uncomfortable feelings… which also ties into cognitive dissonance.

“Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.” – Frantz Fanon Continue reading

The Field (Part 1)

Lee Carroll

Lee Carroll – Greetings, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I want you to take a moment and take a breath. Now look at the reality that is before you. You sit in a dark room on a beautiful Sunday afternoon listening to a man in a chair. You’re told it is a “voice from beyond”. Indeed, it is, but is this the description that you are going to give when you are asked by a neighbor, “What did you do today?” If so, there will be a lot of eye rolling in your neighborhood.

It’s a special group that would see this event as a true message of love and wisdom from an invisible source beyond the veil. Even within this group, and from those listening in other places, there will be doubt that the message is real. This is the natural bias of humanity. You learn one way, and when another way comes you question it. There is always the question, “Is it real?” So these are the things that you are faced with, and that the Creative Source is faced with. Will there ever be a time when humanity will allow any space in their thinking for what they don’t believe is possible? Will there ever come a time when they start examining the pieces and parts of their reality that may be different than they think, which will then open the door for channelling to give information about a beautiful system?

God is the Master Physicist

I have given channels in the past, and one of them was called, “Physics with an attitude”. It describes a physics that is different than you think, because it appears to be biased – that is, not equally balanced in the linear ways that you expect. Connect the dots and use spiritual common sense for a moment. Who created physics? Who is the creator of all things? The answer is the great “I AM”, The Creative Source – God.

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