What Else Can You Expect in April?

what to expectDaniel Scranton – Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to see how so many of you are benefitting from the April energies already. As we mentioned in a previous transmission, this is a time of root chakra clearing, but it is also a time of root chakra integration, and it is a time of healing. Whenever you are doing a lot of clearing, you are also doing a lot of healing and integrating. So it is a time for you to be building, for you to be creating, for you to move to that next level of consciousness and that next level of your lives. Continue reading

How A Blocked Root Chakra Impacts You

Sylvia Landa – Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Chakras are spinning circular energy centers in the body. There are seven main chakras which are aligned vertically along the spinal cord.

The first chakra is the root chakra, also known as the base chakra and muladhara. Muladhara is a Sanskrit word meaning foundation. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine just above the perineum. The color associated with the root chakra is red.

Earth tones like black and brown are also associated with the root chakra. The root chakra rules our foundation in life. The Earth, our family, our “roots”. This energy center rules survival and our primal animalistic fight or flight instincts. The physical body, our shelter, tribe, basic needs and material wealth are also ruled by the root chakra. Continue reading