Behind the Green Mask: Agenda 21 [Video]

Rosa KoireAlexandra Bruce – It’s funny how so many topics once deemed to be “Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theories” keep getting proven to be worthy of serious attention. Agenda 21, the United Nations’ 1992 plan for Sustainable Development is an example.

Rosa Koire has been doing an excellent job of raising awareness about Agenda 21 for many years. She describes how it is being rolled-out – never by name. This is carefully avoided. Hence, we’re propagandized about Climate Change and the Green New Deal. She says Agenda 21 programs can be identified by their so-called “communitarian” ethos that is imposed from without by NGOs, circumventing the will of communities and the individuals within. Continue reading

Behind The Green Mask: Agenda 21 [Video]

agenda 21Alexandra Bruce – It’s funny how so many topics once deemed to be “Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theories” keep getting proven to be fact. Concern about Agenda 21, aka the United Nations’ plan for Sustainable Development is an example.

Agenda 21 was placed front and center before Americans last week in the form of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal. Among its unrealistic goals, the Green New Deal aims to restructure the entire global energy economy within 10 years by completely “transitioning” the US out of fossil fuels and nuclear energy and into renewables, like wind and solar power.

What few will admit is that this plan implies genocide. As evidenced by the collapse of Rome and demonstrated repeatedly by successive societies, the halving of energy consumption leads directly to the collapse of human populations. Continue reading