Nicholas West ~ Council On Foreign Relations Plan For Global Governance In 2013

Activist Post | December 29 2012

Council of Councils Members

Brookings InstitutionIt is incredible that mention of a one-world government in many circles is still considered to be conspiracy talk. Fortunately, the global political awakening that arch-globalist Zbigniew Brzezinski has referred to is forcing ever-increasing justifications for their use of globalist language.

One would hope that a relatively new Council on Foreign Relations initiative that is expanding can lay to rest any debate about the desire to form a global government in the name of supposedly solving global problems.

The initiative called The Council of Councils was featured in a recent round table discussion of the central problems facing the world that they believe require multilateral cooperation. The discussions and recommendations released from this convention of experts is important to keep available the next time you hear the label conspiracy theorist hurled in your direction. The title of the round table was Challenges for Global Governance in 2013.

Just as we have seen from other think tanks such as the Project For a New American Century, The Royal Society, and the Brookings Institution, among others; their thoughts translate to reality on a less-than-coincidental frequency, so we would do well to listen to what they are saying.

The Council of Councils initiative was announced in March, 2012 and clearly identifies a strategy for forming alliances across a series of shared concerns as set forth by the CFR. It is important to note from the beginning that the CFR bills itself as non-partisan; and here is where the uninitiated can immediately be tripped up. Non-partisan sounds like a good thing, going beyond typical party divisions, while striking a note that rings of independence and an objective search for the truth.

However, when one understands that in their own words, “The founding membership of the Council of Councils includes leading institutions from nineteen countries, roughly tracking the composition of the Group of Twenty (G20),” we begin to get an inkling that their version of non-partisan means that they are flexible in their use of whatever political language is expedient to get results that go beyond any concept of nationalism.

The party of the CFR is the One World Party.

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Transhumanism: How The Elite Plan To Live Forever

The eugenicists at The Royal Society, in conjunction with Academy of Medical Sciences,British Academy and Royal Academy of Engineering came together this month to discuss the potentials, opportunities and challenges of the melding of man with machine (i.e. transhumanism) under the guise of augmentation technologies.

At the Human Enhancement and the Future of Work conference, and further expanded upon in their published report, explains how science and ethics are coming into conflict as technology promises to replace the faulty human body with an eternal, mechanical replacement.

These transhumanists define human enhancement as everything that “encompasses a range of approaches that may be used to improve aspects of human function (e.g. memory, hearing, mobility). This may either be for the purpose of restoring an impaired function to previous or average levels, or to raise function to a level considered to be ‘beyond the norm’ for humans.”

Rebuilding the human body is being researched in institutions such as Stanford University in California has recently devised a mathematical algorithm, called ReFIT that can decipher neurological signals in the brain that convey movement, speed and accuracy. The public justification for this study is to improve “prosthetic system performance and robustness in paralyzed people”, yet the implications could serve to create super humans and super soldiers.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved ReFIT for human clinical trials as the researchers endeavor to create neuroprosthetics where mind – controlled robotic limbs will become a viable future.

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