If Spiritual Awakening Had a Disclaimer….This Might Be It!

awakeningNanice Ellis – Although the concept of awakening has been used to describe a myriad of experiences, the true meaning of awakening is moving from unconscious to conscious, and this means that the more conscious you become, the more you awaken. 

No doubt, if you are reading this now, you’re probably somewhere on the path of spiritual awakening. So, let’s get straight to the point….

When most people think of awakening, they tend to think of experiences that encompass love, joy and peace, and for the more idealistic, mystical images of unicorns and rainbows might even come to mind. Unfortunately, this concept of awakening is very deceptive, and in fact, if you do experience any unicorns during the awakening process, they’re probably dragging you through the mud by your toenails.

The truth is that no matter what you read or anyone tells you, the process of awakening can be downright brutal! In fact, if there was a disclaimer at the beginning of the path, most of us would think twice before starting the journey.

Having said that, if awakening did have a disclaimer, this is what it might say: Continue reading