Sadness being triggered

sadness Sending lots of love to everyone. My FB feed is filled with posts by friends going through crisis, experiencing various forms of tragedy, loss and shock this week/this month.

So much sadness is being triggered at the moment, and I’ve definitely been feeling it. For some it’s a result of events in your life, or in the lives of those close to you. In other cases, old sadness that has been held by the body for a long time is being released. You might feel yourself feeling sad for no particular reason or your sadness might seem out of proportion to the actual situation causing it.

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Signs You’re Out of Spiritual Alignment and Ways to Rejuvenate Connection

tryNick Polizzi – Do you ever get a nagging sensation that something is not quite right inside of you? I’m not talking about a kink in your neck or an upset stomach – this is deeper than that. Maybe it’s a limitation within yourself, or a lack of flow and direction where there once was an abundance.

Familiar with any of those?

Of course you are, because you’re human! If you didn’t encounter occasional slumps, I’d be worried that you had a screw loose.

Inhabiting these earthly bodies on this physical plane, it’s normal to sometimes feel out of alignment with who we truly are. Yes, it’s our responsibility to recalibrate and reconnect whenever we can, but it’s silly to beat ourselves up every time we fall out of the saddle.

The quote below illustrates how these minor setbacks are really an opportunity in disguise: Continue reading

Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

lifeThe Angels – My dear friends, the entire universe is conpsiring to love you. The entire universe is attempting to bring love to the surface in your lives to create a more loving reality. Just as the sun always shines, love always attempts to make itself known.

There are, however, many on your planet who filter this love through their fear, pain, sadness, and unwillingness to embrace a kinder reality. Even those individuals can be the ones who help to awaken a greater love in your life. When you are around the unloving, you are forced to love and care for yourselves more.When you are around those who lie you are forced to be more truthful to your own heart. When you are around those whose pain spills over into your life, you feel your own pain too… and in feeling it, you bring it to the surface to be healed. Love is indeed working at all times.

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