Stay Focused: Navigating the Soulful Energy Within

Stay Focused: Navigating the Soulful Energy WithinVeronica – “Linear life can surely be difficult at times. The denseness exaggerates the energy often causing disruption for the incarnate soul. By recognizing the denseness one can better move through any situation.

It takes focus to navigate your energy as you move through a life. All choices should be made with clear vision. It is important to remain clear at all times. Continue reading

Awakening Humanity: The Unseen Worldwide Revolution!

Awakening Humanity: The Unseen Worldwide Revolution!Amelia Harris – In the midst of the chaos that dominates our daily news and social media feeds, there exists a profound and transformative shift quietly unfolding in the hearts of humanity. Unlike sensational headlines or viral trends, this change operates beneath the surface, yet its impact is monumental.

People are awakening to a simple truth: we shape our reality by directing our attention. The realization that we become what we focus on has sparked a silent revolution. Instead of succumbing to the chaos around us, individuals are choosing to focus on creating their version of heaven on earth. Continue reading

Step Into Your Brilliance

“People will sometimes struggle to make sense of your seemingly new-found convictions. This is simply a reflection of your reality and truth beginning to shift away from the pre-defined limits and roles you – and they – unwittingly accepted because you felt you had no other choice.” C D Bobart

truthCaroline Bobart – Have you ever been at that place of knowing with every fibre of your being that you are enmeshed in a situation that doesn’t honour your spirit? And you can’t see how to create your exit in such a way that deep healing, new, fun, meaningful and validating experiences can come in?

At times like that your communication with yourself can seem muffled to the extent that it can feel like you are in an energetic fog. In this fog it is difficult to hear and really step into your wisdom and truth, to see your options and know precisely what it is you need to do to navigate your way out of it. Continue reading

September Forecast: Retrogrades, New Beginnings, Relationships

September Forecast: Retrogrades, New Beginnings, RelationshipsJoseph P Anthony – Can you believe we are in the ninth month of the year already? Time appeared to be zooming by, however, this month we start off with six planets in retrograde and a seventh one slowing down as well.

When we have this kind of backward energy, we tend to feel stuck, like nothing is moving forward. September has a few bumps in the road, but after the September 15th, the energy should start flowing a bit more freely.

We kick things off this month deep in the thick of Virgo season, the ambiance of which generally inspires us to analyze and find some order in the chaos as we clear out the unnecessary clutter in our lives.

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Avoid Predictions of Cataclysmic Future Events

Avoid Predictions of Cataclysmic Future EventsDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to remind all of you of how far you have come on your journeys. We know that you have all evolved tremendously throughout the course of your lives, and we want to assure you that everyone there on Earth is on a journey of evolving their consciousness.

It may seem as though there is no hope for certain members of your family, certain segments of the population, and so on, but in actuality you are there to provide that hope to those who are asleep and to those who are very much seeming to want to stay asleep. You provide the formula; you provide the template. You are the wayshowers, and you are there to demonstrate to others how it is done. Continue reading