Life’s Goal Is Manifestation Of The True Self

selfVeronica – Coming into physical reality one expects to be challenged in many ways.  Ideally it is desired for the journey to be one of clear sailing.  Embracing the ability to create what is desired by the incarnate with ease.  However, as all of you know, it’s usually never easy.

Every day all of you use your thoughts to solidify dramatics and objects in the linear.  Many are successful, but there are those who find the manifestations elusive.  A person’s sense of self is often defined as the ego.  All hear often the pitfalls of the ego.  ‘Beware of the ego, it can derail your ascension to a higher frequency’.  Yes all of that can be true.

The ego, however, is the mediator between your conscious and unconscious awareness.  Whether one likes it or not, the ego is an integral part of your incarnation.  Propelling your soul through the reality is its purpose.  Again, the ego can get caught up in its quest by over indulging in its self importance.  It’s always a fine balance during the life. Continue reading

Inside Divine mind

lifeThe Angels – With a single act of will, you can dream up entire worlds in your imagination. You can imagine your perfect home, your perfect partner, your ideal life. You can be and do anything you like in these realms inside of you. You can fly, swim, play music, paint, write poetry, do great feats of strength, help thousands… for within the realms of your imagination, anything is possible. In your inner world you have no limits.

You can create a perfect and beautiful version of yourself as you know yourself now. You can create another version of yourself, living an entirely different, but also amazing life. You can get so happy with this exercise that you create numerous perfect versions of yourself, all doing different things, living in different ways, behaving differently. You love each and every one of these. You do not love one more than the other, for all are beautiful and perfect and living their own version of a perfect life.  Continue reading

Transformation Through Universal Love

loveMorgan Lee – We have experienced some incredible opportunities for major transformation over the 8/8 gateway and pre-eclipse period. Numerous possibilities, depending on where we were in our own journeys.

A period of what seemed like extreme chaos, projection, blame, gossip, manipulation, etc. either as the recipient or a perpetrator.

Many wondering what on earth was going on if they were the recipient of this projected chaos not realizing that they just needed to make a new choice of self empowerment and letting go, basically choosing love for self, no matter what. Continue reading

Sacred Anchoring Through Your Heart

Christine Day

The Pleiadians – Beloved ones we greet you, An intensity will build within the 3rd dimension on your planet as you move through June and July. You are being asked at this juncture, within this transitional phase to let go and continue to align and link through the multidimensionality of your Heart space.

This multidimensionality is a natural aspect of you and you are being called now to realign by the sacred Higher aspect of your self. As you let go with the Conscious breath you are naturally aligned deeper within the sacred multidimensional tool of your Heart’s sphere. Continue reading

We’re In The Midst Of A Spiritual Revolution

selfAA Michael – Beloved masters, for a moment, imagine that you are fully aware of your origins and that you can tap into your personal cosmic history files any time you wish. Imagine that you have the ability to communicate with those around you without words, mind to mind. Imagine that you have the natural ability to see everyone’s auric field, and therefore, you can read or understand a person’s state of Being at any given moment. Imagine that you can envision clearly that which you wish to manifest, and it takes only a little time and effort for your visions to become reality.

Imagine that you have the ability to communicate and interact with the archangels and the vast angelic realm, as well as the ascended masters and the great Beings of light. All of these attributes and abilities are a part of your natural state of Being in the higher realms, and you are now in the process of regaining these God-given talents, as well as the ability to assist in the evolutionary process of humanity and the Earth.

We have explained many times and in many ways how you separated your Divine Self into a masculine spark of essence with the characteristics and qualities of our Father God, and a feminine spark of essence with the virtues and attributes of our Mother God.

Since that first separation, each Facet of your Self has refracted into a multitude of smaller Sparks of Divinity, and you have assumed a myriad of forms and innumerable missions throughout this universal experience.

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