The Power of Asking for What You Want

“You create your opportunities by asking for them.” ~ Shakti Gawain

The Power of Asking for What You WantJafree Ozwald – There is a power inside you that is beyond anything that you have yet imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything that you want with pure joy and effortless ease. There are no real limits on what you can create into your life.

You are unlimited, unbounded, pure potential energy. You can consciously attract any experience you want at any time. When you are super specific about what you want, and ask from a surrendered place that is free from lack, you are one step closer to becoming a manifesting master.

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Secrets to Manifest your Destiny

manifestJafree Ozwald – Most people don’t know how easy it is to create their dream life.  They struggle for years trying all sorts of things until they are blue in their face and finally stop believing that they have the ability and power to manifest anything.

People think that only a few specially gifted people can manifest miracles and attract whatever their heart desires.  The truth is that even though materializing money out of thin air may seem impossible to the rational mind, it is as natural as the warmth from the sunshine above. Continue reading

The Power of Asking for What you Want

“You create your opportunities by asking for them.” ~ Shakti Gawain

universeJafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – There is a power inside you that is beyond anything that you have yet imagined. You have the ability to manifest anything that you want with pure joy and effortless ease. There are no real limits on what you can create into your life. You are unlimited, unbounded, pure potential energy. You can consciously attract any experience you want at any time.

When you are super specific about what you want, and ask from a surrendered place that is free from lack, you are one step closer to becoming a manifesting master. The energy behind making requests (instead of wishes, hopes or demands) is much more powerful in that it requires you to be humble, realistic and grounded about who you are and what you honestly want in your life. This deeper honesty allows the Universal intelligence that surrounds and penetrates you to truly hear your request and thus assist you in manifesting it!

One of the main ingredients in consciously manifesting your dreams and desires is knowing how to ask for what you want. When you ask in a firm clear receptive way, it’s as if you are throwing a powerful magnetic boomerang into the Universe that will soon return with your desired outcome. You want to throw out a super specific request into the Universe, yet not be attached to how it comes back to you.

This shows that you are clear and sincere about letting go of wanting/needing your desire, and surrendered to receiving the highest possible outcome. By releasing your attachment to how your desire shows up for you, it naturally starts the manifestation process. It’s like the moment you actually throw and let go of this boomerang, you know that even if you close your eyes it will be flying back to you very soon!

“When it is said to you, ‘Ask, and it is given,’ there is no more powerful statement that is at the basis of what makes things happen.” ~ Abraham Hicks

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