Protecting Yourself From Harmful Smart Meter Radiation

“Most people aren’t given an option regarding whether they can keep an old meter or have a smart meter installed. Even if a choice is given, it can be costly, and a monthly fee is often associated with having an old meter. . . . Once a resident discovers that their body reacts negatively to the continuous radiation emitted by a smart meter, it is often too late, or very costly, to remove it.” – A Hunt

Over the last decade, millions of homes worldwide have been outfitted with smart meters. Power utility companies continue to force smart meters upon the population under the argument that they allow a more accurate and concise measurement of home energy usage, and give the resident and utility provider more visibility of and control over power consumption. Yet, concerns continue to grow about the potential dangers from the electro-magnetic radiation given off by these devices.

The US Federal Communications Commission and the World Health Organization (WHO) claim that the broadcasting frequencies emitted by smart meters are safe to humans, even though in May of 2011, the WHO officially recognized that wireless radiation such as that emitted by smart meters is possibly carcinogenic. So, according to the WHO, smart meters are safe, except that they may cause cancer – a questionable contradiction.

Hundreds of independent scientific studies have shown that smart meters create a vast and clear health hazard, in addition to emitting carcinogenic radiation; and many people living around smart meters have reported insomnia, rashes, headaches, disorientation, neuropathy, sinus issues, thyroid problems, hyperactivity, and other illnesses after the installation of a smart meter. There have also been many instances of smart meters catching fire and destroying homes. Continue reading

Smart Tyranny: How To Resist The Smart Grid [Video]

corbettreport  February 25 2014

Smart technology represents less of a breakthrough in power distribution and more of a revolution in complete, constant, panopticon-like surveillance of everyone. As these smart technologies begin to invade our homes, we are becoming mere nodes in a giant network that we yet but dimly comprehend.


Called the “Internet of Things,” the plan is to create a network that will eventually include every single object on the planet. And as the public is finally becoming aware, such networks provide golden opportunities for corporations and governments alike to collect data and spy on the population.


Microwaves, Smart Meters And Use Of Electronics For “Mind Control”

VeteransToday  October 24 2013

For those who have wondered about the use of electronic weapons for ‘mind control’, here is a most disturbing interview of an expert, where I am publishing portions of the transcript, which is here.

The interview was provoked by a document found on the White House website entitled, “Realizing the Full Potential of Government Held Spectrum to Spur Economic Growth”, President’s Council of Advisors on Science Technology (20 July 2012).

The complete interview may be found in the YouTube embedded below. This is about as disturbing as it gets.

Barrie Trower is a British physicist who was trained in microwave warfare by microwave experts. He looked at aspects of microwave warfare and, when he finished the time that he spent in the military, he had a lot of expertise in the microwave field and he was asked to carry on with this research. And it was a new cold war that he discovered with microwaves. Here is his personal warning in his own words:

“In the very early 1960’s I trained with the government microwave warfare establishment. I looked at all aspects of microwave warfare and when I finished my time in the military, because I had a lot of expertise in the microwave field, I was asked if I would carry on with this research. We are in a new Cold War and this is why countries are developing this. And this is why all the microwave transmitters are going up everywhere because somebody, if they wanted to, could use them for other effects. The system is up and running.

Years ago our government said to our scientists when it comes to microwaves you will only talk about things to do with heat, and that is it. So they won’t even discuss anything else. They will deny anything that doesn’t have anything to do with heat. They even deny all their 40 years of research leading up to this, although they’ve said that this can cause cancer and all the damage, they say no it can’t. We’re only looking at heat and heat is all that matters. So for the last 40 years the English government has been lying to the people. And the American, the Canadian, the Australian, they have been lying. They have been lying to protect industry, to protect their profits, to protect themselves from lawsuits.

So they are really just liars and it is provable, sanctioned by the World Health Organization, without a shadow of a doubt. It is the same people that sit on the ICNAP certificate, sit on our government health protection agencies, sit on the World Health Organization . . . . it is the same people. There are probably no more than 20 of them. But, yes, they are going to, in my opinion, commit the worst genocide this planet has ever known, not just people, but animals and plants. They are probably going to cause more destruction than a global war, and in several hundred years time, people will look back, whoever survives, and look at what we tried to do to stop them.”


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Power Takeover: What’s Wrong With “Smart” Meters?

“Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”

EnergyOn January 17, 2008, President Obama famously said, “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” It’s now becoming evident that the new so-called “smart” meter your utility is attempting to force on you, is the culprit technology for the government-sponsored extortion that Obama was referring to. But this is just the beginning of a hornet’s nest of alarming details unveiled in our new documentary, Take Back Your Power (now available at the Infowars shop).

Billions of tax dollars… no benefits?

In a time of economic crisis, the US government allocated $11B of taxpayer funds from the 2009 bailout package to develop a “smart” grid, including “smart” meters for every home’s electricity, gas and water.  And recently, the European Union has announced plans to blow a mind-numbing $700B on building out this centralized control grid. The ostensible reasons for “smart” metering and grid technology:

a) to save energy and thus aid the environment;
b) to increase power reliability; and
c) to give you more control of energy use in your own home.

It is now easily demonstrated that all three of these claims are patently false. ”Smart” meters and grids typically use more energy, they are extremely hackable (making the entire power grid vulnerable), and customers suffer increased utility bills virtually across the board immediately following a “smart” meter installation – a fact even acknowledged now by some utilities.

In the words of Dr. Timothy Schoechle, a leading digital technology engineer and author of “Getting Smarter About The Smart Grid:”

“The smart meter is a canard—a story or a hoax based on specious and grandiose claims about energy benefits ostensibly derived from the promise of “two-way” communication with the customer…  There is essentially no possibility that most smart meters or meter networks will lead to greater sustainability.”

Clear evidence of health damage

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The Land Of The Fleeced And The Home Of Our Early Grave

The PPJ Gazette February 8 2013 (Thanks, Dale)

“For the aware among us, it has mostly been a long, lonely, depressing, winding road.  Very soon, one by one, the suckers will awaken from their slumber to the new America:  The Land of the Fleeced and the Home of our Early Grave.”

McMansionWhy has the nation that was the envy of all peoples and a beacon of hope for the world, become one of the most hated, resented and feared entities on earth?  What happened?  Who is behind it?  Was it really this way all along?  If so, the world has been deluded for decades by satanic self-appointed  masters of the universe who took great delight in engineering a false world for the masses to wallow in.

Just when everyone felt safe and secure in their home, and in their children’s future (ie. firmly under Satan’ s matrix and boot), Satan and his helpers decided it was the perfect time to start amusing themselves by administering the shock treatments Americans ‘deserved’.  With no shame, and little cover, they started to show their hideous face.  It started with a ‘war on terror’, imaginary boogymen, protecting the ‘homeland’, the need to kill millions, and destroy entire countries.

While stuffing their pockets with billions, they told us it was to keep precious Americans ‘safe’.

Sadly, 90% of the citizens were on board with this plan.  For them, anything ‘we’ did was fine, as long as it kept their mortgaged McMansions, remote controlled huge screen TVs, Lexus SUVs, and butter dipped lobsters safe from the menacing terrorists.  And for Americans who were not as fortunate as others, they vicariously gained a sense of strength from their Lazy Boy recliner and flag adorned ‘92 F-150s, as they watched America’s power and might decimate other unlucky populations.

Fast forward to today’s ‘Land of the free’.  

While artfully keeping the population from becoming too angry by manipulating the soldiers’ death toll, the stock market, gas prices, and making sure all the goodies stayed plentiful, they have successfully robbed America’s treasure blind and pillaged every last  one of our values and ideals.  Then, somewhere along the line, the demons decided to tell us that  Americans were the biggest threat to America.

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