Psychopaths and Sociopaths Rule the World

Michael KriegerRyan Murphy, an economist at Southern Methodist University, recently published a working paper in which he ranked each of the states by the predominance of — there’s no nice way to put it — psychopaths. The winner? Washington in a walk. In fact, the capital scored higher on Murphy’s scale than the next two runners-up combined.

“I had previously written on politicians and psychopathy, but I had no expectation D.C. would stand out as much as it does,” Murphy wrote in an email…

On a national level, it raises the troubling question as to what it means to live in a country whose institutions are set up to reward some very dubious human traits. Like it or not, we’re more likely than not to wind up with some alarming personalities in positions of power. Continue reading

Global Elitists Are Not Human

sociopathsBrandon Smith – It is often said that “other-izing” people overall can be dangerous and other-izing your enemies specifically can be tactically detrimental. For one, it can lead to a false sense of superiority over those people as you assert some kind of imagined genetic advantage. It can also lead to dangerous generalizations of vast groups as you categorize and pigeonhole millions as being exactly the same when this is rationally impossible. However, other-izing is perhaps the only option when faced with a very particular type of person embracing a very particular brand of ideology; other-izing can become a matter of survival.

I am of course talking about globalists.

Not the low level cronies and useful idiots within the globalist push or “movement,” because many of them simply represent a underlying gullibility or stupidity among people attracted to the inbred world of academia. Instead, I’m talking about the people behind the curtain; self proclaimed “globalists” or internationalists that have positioned themselves into strategic power centers.

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Bloodlines Genetically Tweaked To Produce The Psychopaths Serving An Alien Agenda

Tom Montalk – Sociopaths or psychopaths are individuals who lack empathy and engage in predatory behavior without remorse or guilt.

In general, this lack of conscience may stem from a conditioned lack of emotional identification with the victim, a narcissistic love of self that overrides any concern for others, or the mechanical inability to feel any emotion other than ones which are chemical or hormonal in origin.

There are different categories of psychopaths depending on the underlying cause for their condition and how well they blend into society.

Criminal and Successful Psychopaths

Criminal psychopaths are those who are crude enough in their manipulations to be identified and apprehended by legal and medical institutions.

They are known as serial killers, con-artists, burglars, mobsters, mad tyrants, rapists, and delinquents. These comprise a small percentage of psychopaths, and only about 1% of the population.

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