The leading cause of death in the US is FDA-approved food poisoning

Charles G. Shaver is an American and former industrial electrician. In the article below he describes his personal experience and online research-based perspective concerning the FDA. He says:

Advancements in technology are no substitute for accurate diagnosis and appropriate care. Despite being something of a ‘worse’ but not ‘worst’ case scenario of multiple chemical, food and metal sensitivities (‘allergies’ that mainstream medicine has yet to recognize as fundamental to all health and wellness),  I’m also something of a walking, talking, reading, writing limited success story, again free of any prescription drugs at age seventy-seven in early 2021. – Charles G Shaver

Statistically, COVID-19 or not, about 7,900 Americans will die daily
in 2021 from all causes. Contrary to professional ignorance and
misinformation, about half of those will be years to decades (highly
individual, many individual variables) premature. Obvious common
symptoms are obesity, hair loss and eyeglasses.

Causation: there is a kind of individually practically harmless
ambiguous, brief and very, very mild (subclinical) food (minimally)
allergy reaction which mainstream medicine has yet to recognize,
research or include in other medical research as true (e.g. IgE
mediated) allergies.

Unfortunately, they are easily aggravated to become chronic and deadly dangerous, long-term (again, many individual variables) in just a few simple ways. These (my) kind of allergy reactions were first observed in the early 1930s and reported on by 1935,* by then renowned immunologist Arthur F. Coca, MD (The Pulse Test, 1956).**

Aggravating factors: mysteriously, seriously ill in 1981 and first learning I had multiple food and food additive allergies in late 1981, I experimented at-home to find that extended periods of single-offender-overdosing, multi-offender-dosing and too-soon-repeated-offender-dosing caused my still very, very mild
allergy reactions to make me notably ill.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

In the summer of 2000 I learned of the toxicity of added monosodium glutamate (MSG)*** from another adult male victim of the early 1980s and about 2012 I learned more of the trouble(s) with modified soy protein. I later learned that even just stress (like comes with costly mysterious illness) can cause additional inflammation. I now prefer to label added MSG and soy,
minimally, as “FDA approved food poisoning” and a “silent American


allergies + foods + time + MSG/soy (less time) >
inflammation + time > xanthine oxidase + time > uric acid + free
radicals + time > acidosis + time > calcium loss + time > epidemic
chronic/degenerative disease (e.g. depression, obesity, etc.) + time >
premature disability and/or mortality.


In Chapter One of The Pulse Test Dr. Coca listed 32 common disease conditions which could be identified at-home with mere pulse (rises) testing. Much later, after multiple failed medical examinations and finding I’m something of a ‘worse’ but not ‘worst’ case scenario of Dr. Coca’s kind of allergies, I experimented repeatedly at-home with affordable newer technology to find too, compared with experimentally established fasting-at-rest baselines: pH (saliva and/or urine; falls), blood oxygen (finger pulse-oximeter; falls), temperature (digital thermometer; rises) and weight (excess
fluid retention; standard bathroom scale; increases), also work.

Documenting at least diet, nutritional supplementation, test readings
and subjective observations of ‘self,’ daily, can help to identify
even very weak allergic offenders.


Both soy and MSG are known to harm the thyroid in lab mice and adult rats; soy is known to interfere with the uptake of thyroid hormones (even synthroid).

Excess MSG is known to cause a vitamin B6 deficiency (with all which that implies; some sixty metabolic functions); fructose (unlike glucose and sucrose, minimally) is known to raise serum levels of uric acid, unregulated; taking calcium carbonate as a supplement can cause a phosphorus deficiency
(with all which that implies; e.g. citric acid energy cycle); uric acid may crystallize in smooth muscle tissue (e.g. attached to hair follicles, lining blood vessels, etc.) as well as joints and gout is known to occur anywhere in the body, even ears, eyes and skin.

Standard blood testing is unreliable for calcium and post-menopausal
women are more prone to get gout.

A lay postulation

If a seriously ill patient (e.g. with COVID-19 in an ICU) with an undiagnosed allergy to dairy and/or soy receives enteral feeding formula containing dairy and/or soy frequently and regular, that patient will likely experience additional inflammation, less resistance to infection and a worse outcome.





Shift Frequency © 2021 – The leading cause of death in the US
is FDA-approved food poisoning

9 Of The Most Common & Misguided Nutrition Myths Ever Told

When is soy okay for you? When it is fermentedTempeh, natto, and miso are fermented forms of soy which contain lowered levels of phytic acid and other anti-nutrients,” –

ManVegetableBrainWith the advent of the internet came a superabundance of available information regarding personal health. However, with this deluge of available information also came a hefty downfall – a massive amount of misguided and unreliable information.

Out of all fields of discussion, it’s safe to say that no other topics are more dangerous to have misinformation spread about than diet and nutrition. If a nutrition myth is continually repeated, it can soon become a culturally accepted truth, something that is dangerous to the general public. So for that matter, this article will address some of the most common and misguided nutrition ‘facts’ out there today.

9) Eggs Are Bad For Your Heart & Overall Health

Eggs have had a bad rap in recent years, mostly due to the cholesterol myth. But a few recent studies have since debunked this myth.

A study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that higher consumption of eggs (up to one egg per day) is not associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease or stroke.   In fact, eggs actually raise the ‘good’ cholesterol (called high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) which works to remove the ‘bad’ cholesterol.

The health benefits of eggs include:

  • 6 grams of high quality protein (full amino acid profile).
  • High in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants in your lens and retina that help prevent eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • Good source of choline, a member of the vitamin B family.
  • One of the few food containing naturally occurring Vitamin D.
  • Contains sulfur – essential for healthy hair and nails.

*The key is to eat organic, pasture-raised eggs.

8) All Saturated Fats Are Bad For You

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This GMO Food Is Toxic To Major Organs, Study Finds

ChristinaSarichIn North America, approximately 75 to 89% of the soy beans grown are genetically modified (GM). One may not realize it, but this is concerning news – especially because recent research found that GM soy is toxic to the kidneys, liver, and more.

There isn’t just one smoking gun anymore pointing at GMO toxicology. There is now an entire arsenal of scientific research proving that genetically modified organisms adversely affect the body. In yet another new study conducted by Egyptian researchers, rats given GM soy were found to have deadly amounts of toxicity in their kidneys, liver, testes, sperm, blood and even DNA.

Is there any question anymore about the true poisons that are biotech’s squalid wares?

The histopathological assessments made by the researchers of the rat’s bodily tissues leave no room for mistakes or misjudgments. You can’t argue over the results as some GMO-supporters have tried to do with other studies (like Seralini’s).  Seralini’s study is one of the most quoted papers on the Internet, yet Monsanto gave a lengthy refutation of its findings.


Seralini stands firm in his findings, with the support of thousands of other scientists around the world. Though you’d think that he was some sort of quack with the comments that biotech makes to try to discredit him. What does Monsanto do when studies like this one, keep mounting? The evidence comes out again and again against GMOs – then what? What happens when research finds GM soy to be linked to sterility and infant mortality?

Just some of the sordid highlights of GMO-fed rats from the study’s findings include: Continue reading

Longevity Secrets: 6 Reasons Okinawans Live To Be Older Than 100

Did you know that only 20-30% of our life expectancy can be determined through our genes? If you want to live to be 100, you may need more than just a sound set of X and Y chromosomes passed down from your parents. Lifestyle is the most important factor in determining not only how long you live, but the quality of your long life. It turns out the people from a small island off the coast of Japan, Okinawa, have figured out a secret recipe for living to be more than 100 years old.

Scientists researching for the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Japan’s Ministry of Health have been following Okinawan’s who are older than 100 since 1976 in the Okinawa Centenarian Study (OCS) and they’ve learned that there are some very typical traits for all those who live to be so vital at such an advanced age.

Want to know the Okinawan secret to living a long, productive life? Here it is broken down into easily digestible bits:

1. Elderly Okinawans often exercise both physically and mentally. Continue reading