Liminal space

spaceKate Spreckley – Currently we are floating in a liminal space, on the threshold between the old and the new, between death and rebirth where the dissolution of the old is creating a fluid, malleable space that will enable the new to become fully developed. As such we stand in the space between our old self and our new self.

Within this space uncertainty and disorientation can occur as future outcomes once taken for granted are now thrown into doubt. The future is unknown and unknowable as we are moving into a time like nothing we have experienced before. Continue reading

Is Death An Illusion? Study Suggests Yes

spaceRobert Lanza – After the death of his old friend, Albert Einstein said “Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us … know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

New evidence continues to suggest that Einstein was right – death is an illusion.

Our classical way of thinking is based on the belief that the world has an objective observer-independent existence. But a long list of experiments shows just the opposite. We think life is just the activity of carbon and an admixture of molecules – we live awhile and then rot into the ground. Continue reading

Weaponizing Space Time

timeJoseph P Farrell – Hold on to your hats, sit down, pour yourself two or three fingers of your favorite “adult beverage”, and brace yourself, because this may be one for the record books. Ms. K. found this one, and it went right to the top of my list for this week’s offering of high octane speculation:

Sixth generation warfare: manipulating space and time

The article begins by providing an unusual perspective on the manipulation of electromagnetic systems, specifically, the Iraqi radars when Israel struck Iraq’s nuclear plant in the 1980s, and struck the Syrian reactor in 2007. This, the author notes, was as much about the manipulation of reaction times of the Syrians and Iraqis by compressing it, and expanding the “mission time” of Israeli striking forces. There was no actualmanipulation of time, but the effect of the electronic interference the Israelis utilized amounted to time manipulation: Continue reading

Catherine Austin Fitts on How Underground Bases Are Collateral for Pension Funds [Video]

Alexandra BruceCatherine Austin Fitts just made her first appearance in several weeks on Dark Journalist this Friday evening to promote the latest issue of the Solari Report, “Who’s Who and What’s Up and What’s Up in the Space Economy”. I’ve set the start point after her story about the many hoops she jumped through to be confirmed as Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1989 under newly-appointed Secretary Jack Kemp during the GHW Bush Administration.

The conversation turns to how she never conceived of a Secret Space Program until repeated episodes of space stations having problems resulted in HUD having their budget ransacked to cover the costs.

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New Physics Study Finds The Real “God” Particle

spaceArjun Walia – The search for the “God” particle has been underway for quite some time. Smashing particles together to learn more about the true nature of reality seems to be the only discussion brought up within the mainstream when it comes to discovering the origins of our universe or at least attempting to do so.

There’s one problem, however, and that’s the fact that non-material forces might actually govern the universe, factors associated with consciousness may be a key role in the creation of matter, and this is something that’s been emphasized for decades by numerous scientists who’ve acknowledged these non-material forces. If this is true, looking for a “God” particle is almost useless, because it suggests that our universe has a non-material origin, so looking at physical matter for the answers might not be the best idea, instead, we need to look, examine, and continue to study non-physical phenomena.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade that in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla Continue reading