Your Spirit Guides And Higher Selves Work With Us

Your Spirit Guides And Higher Selves Work With UsDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been taking our sweet time in delivering to all of you the messages that contain the energies that will propel you into a deeper knowing of who you are. We know how much you can handle in any given moment, and we know the disadvantages to overwhelming you with energies and information, because we have done this before with other people on other planets in other star systems.

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Get To Know Your Spirit Team

Tanaaz – Your Spirit Team was assigned to you before you entered into your physical body and is here to guide, comfort, protect and reassure your soul on it’s earthly journey.

Everyone has a Spirit Team, and the more you invite their guidance in, the stronger the role they will play in your life.

There are 3 main beings that make up your Spirit Team:

Spirit Guides

Spirit Guides were once human but have ascended to a higher level of consciousness to become angelic guides. Continue reading

Signs Your Spirit Guides Want to Talk

awakeningMissy Marston – Your spirit guides are those who watch and help you to stay on your right path. There are many different kinds of spirit guides, some that stay with you all your life, and others that stick around just to teach you lessons or guide you through specific life events.

If you haven’t connected or spoke with your guides yet, they may be sending out some signs to let you know they’re there and want to talk! Guides will often send messages that, when received, produce an above-average emotional response. So what are some of their tools to send signs? Continue reading

How To Contact Your Spirit Guides

spirit guidesConrad Raw – Spirit guides have been around all of us since humans appeared on the earth. Some can sense their guide or guides and others don’t nor fully understand just what a spirit guide is.

The spirit guides reside in a different dimension on the astral plain. They operate on a higher vibrational frequency and can be reached through meditation, hypnosis, ritual or any sort of energy raising actions. The guides are with us to help us through life. They are not here to serve us or us to serve them; it is a symbiotic relationship of partnership. If we ask them nicely for answers, it will usually be provided. You are after all talking to your higher self.

Many children have experienced spirit guides through imaginary friends, or what the parents refer to as imaginary friends. Most psychologists will say the imaginary friend is due to loneliness of the child or as a part of play. But psychologist also state that children with imaginary friends will sometimes give them the personality they lack or will talk to the friend about things that are stressful or upsetting to the child. Once the child grows into adulthood, the imaginary friend becomes less and less important although some do retain their friend, but learn to suppress them due to adults and peer-pressure. Continue reading

Are you familiar with your spirit guides?

Robyn M Fritz – Who do you turn to for spiritual guidance? When? Why?

One constant throughout human history is our need and desire for spiritual guidance. Yes, we often turn to fellow humans for that, from friends to counselors and spiritual advisors, but we also yearn for the presumed authority, skill, and 24/7 protection of ethereal or nonphysical advisors, from guardian angels to modern spirituality’s spiritual team, or spirit guides.

Since we’re asking these beings for help, it’s a good thing they’re real, then, isn’t it? The problem is, many people know very little about their spiritual team, or, as I’ll call them from this point, spirit guides, so we can’t work well with them and don’t benefit from their support as much as we could. Continue reading