New Moon in Sagittarius with a total Solar Eclipse

spiritualLena Stevens – This is a tricky new moon, magnified by the solar eclipse but really good for spiritual prayers and work. The positive aspects are the potential for an uplifting of energy and vibration into an experience of great unity, spiritual connection and personal clarity of action.

The negative aspects and ones to watch out for include delusion, addictions, despair and a very confused and foggy mind.

Work with your spiritual practices even though they may not be focused on anything solid or particular. Prayers for improvement may be enough. The practice itself will give you a sense of purpose and grounding. Work with the sun as the powerful masculine that works with the feminine aspect of the moon.

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How Parasitic Entities Invade Our Consciousness And The Collective Grid

Image: Daniel Pellow

Energetic exploration and spiritual development is a beautiful process.

Once the process begins, it’s an never ending journey of twists and turns with it’s fair share of unexpected experiences.

One of those experiences is becoming aware of the presence of parasitic entities beyond what many only understand as biological.

Just as we are more than a physical body, parasites exist in energy form as well. And they can wreak havoc on one’s experience of awakening. Continue reading

Benefits of Spiritual Awakening

spiritualChristine Hirlehey – Spiritual awakening is described differently by different belief systems, but at their core, each describes a person becoming more aware of reality as it exists beyond the confines of the self. They describe an experience of moving beyond one’s own selfish concerns, worldview and inner voice, and gaining a broader and clearer perspective.

While the words ‘spiritual awakening’ conjures images of Buddha-like calm and tranquillity, most of those who have undergone a spiritual awakening describe it as a painful process, as they are required to shed fundamental beliefs.

This can often shake the foundations on which they have built their lives and forcing them to make difficult decisions about how to move forward and live with their new perspective.

When a person is in the process of a spiritual awakening, while they may have a feeling that there is something special happening, it can be hard for them to put their finger on what exactly that is. Continue reading

The Future Of The Human Race Revealed

memesOwen K Waters – In the ground-breaking book, Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan, “memes” are defined as the social equivalent of genes. Memes are cultural units of information which self-replicate from mind to mind on a vast scale, appearing within society as new trends of thought.

The progression of memes reflects the development of society from its primitive beginnings up to the present. So far, eight different memes have been identified and analyzed. Their characteristics are:

Meme 1 – Basic, personal survival

The most primitive motivation of just staying alive.

Meme 2 – Clan survival

Tribal and family bonding along with superstition-filled attempts to understand the powers of nature which threaten to overpower them.

Meme 3 – Courage, survival of the fittest

Mastering the environment, fighting to break free of constraints. Sensing many gods, all of which are models of power. This is where individuals first find their personal power but, seeing reality through a worldview of separation and limited resources, compete against each other in attempts to gain advantage. As a meme which is short on thought and long on passion, societies in this stage quickly fragment into territorial, feudal-type communities surrounded by competing, enemy communities. Continue reading

Self-Helpless: How To Stop Fixing Yourself

Lynn Newman – My name is Lynn and I admit it — I’m a recovering spiritual self-help junkie!

spiritualI fell onto the spiritual path accidentally in my twenties when I moved to Santa Fe to leave a dysfunctional relationship. I found myself meeting all sorts of healers and spiritual teachers in the new-age town.

I started with walking meditation as my ‘gateway drug’ and before I knew it I was into the hard stuff: Rebirthing, quantum dynamics, psychic surgeries, parapsychology, Rolfing, past-life regression…

I spent weeks meditating in silent retreats, became a Reiki Master, a certified yoga teacher, collected a library of self-help books, went on Shamanistic power journeys to the top of Machu Picchu, the Egyptian pyramids and Teotihuacan.

I learned lucid dreaming, drummed in circles, went to ecstatic dance parties, had aura cleansings with didgeridoos, singing bowls and power rods.

I ‘put the needle in my arm’ as I called world-renown psychics, intuits, numerologists, astrologists, astrocartologists – all with the hope that they would tell me that my life was going to end up fabulous or at the very least, I would know soon some happiness.

Why did I do all this?

I did it because I inherently felt that there was something I needed to fix in me. There was a wrong that needed to be righted; A “not enough” that needed enoughness; An unloveability that needed loving; A problem that needed to be solved. I was taught that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. For decades, I focused on the spiritual part.

I believed that…

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