Dark Night Connecting the Dots

treasonJohn Michael Chambers – Order of events. Trump tweaks martial law code March 2018. Trump conducts FCC emergency test to our cell phones 2018. March 2019 Mueller report – no collusion, no obstruction. Trump launches WH.GOV/TECH BIAS site. Drop down field alludes to in the event we cant communicate. April 2019 Trump declares emergency in event of communications grid getting hit.

Deep state and Democrats implode. Pelosi goes berserk talks of Trump’s temper, cover-ups and talks of prayers for him and the country more than three times in two days. Something cryptic about these prayers statements for Trump and country (a cover – a warning?).

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John Solomon: Trump to Start Declassifying Docs Including ‘Bucket 5’ Within Days [Video]

trumpSean Adl-Tabatabai – President Trump is going to start declassifying Spygate documents within the next 7-8 days, according to The Hill‘s John Solomon.

Solomon joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday night and revealed that his sources say that President Trump will start with the release of “Bucket 5” documents – the exculpatory statements that the FBI possessed about its targets before it went to the FISA Court.

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Today for the first time Americans support investigating the FBI’s conduct in the start of the Russia investigation. Continue reading

Massive Crimes Will Soon Be Revealed & Prosecuted

JandaGreg Hunter – The FISA abuse report compiled by Inspector General Michael Horowitz is finished and will be released soon according to Dr. Dave Janda from the Operation Freedom radio show. The fraudulent FISA applications, using a phony dossier, made spying on the Trump Administration possible. Not long after the release of the IG FISA report, President Trump will declassify the documents surrounding the so-called “hoax” that he has repeatedly called “treason.” Continue reading

From Russiagate to Spygate: The Story that Covers the Story

trumpAnn Kreilkamp – We’re starting to get wind of the origins of the fake Russia collusion narrative that wasted two years of taxpayer money and much of the government’s time and energy. Not to mention being a constant thorn in President Trump’s side. And, as Dave, of the X22 report continuously intones, “It’s not the crime that gets them, it’s the cover-up.” Dave Janda weighs in too, and it may be that Janda is the original source of the intel on the cover-up.

In sum: the elaborate Russia! Russia! nonsense was concocted to cover criminal spying that was going on prior to attempts to pretend to legalize it. That’s why we now call it SPYGATE. And as our new Attorney General, the indomitable William Barr notes, sardonically, “Spying on a political campaign. . . is a big deal.” 

I’m sure these are not the only people talking about this story behind the story. But they are the ones I noticed. Meanwhile, here’s a long article detailing this fantabulous, long-running, non-fiction crime thriller, sent as a comment to this blog by Reader Rose (also a friend of SF). Continue reading

Barr to Indict [Video]

BarrAlexandra Bruce – Coming to grips with the possibility of underground alien bases on Earth has been less disturbing for me than walking away from being a Democrat, in the middle of this rolling coup. It didn’t help that there wasn’t anyone to talk to about it, as most of my family and friends were now looking at me like I was a Nazi.

When I saw the incredible lock that these high tech coup plotters have on communications, from the Mainstream Media to social media to Internet algorithms; how they control payment processors, from Chase Bank to VISA to Patreon; how they’ve demonetized and de-platformed dissenters big and small, from Alex Jones to Milo Yannopoulos to me, and when I saw them take down Roseanne Barr, creator and lead actress of what was the most successful network TV show, whose 40-year career and reputation now counted for nothing because she supported the President and played a Trump supporter on TV, there was very little else that I thought was as pressing. Continue reading