A Course Correction

AquariusLorna Bevan – On the heels of last weeks’ Super Full Moon, we are now entering eclipse territory when the ripples from these cosmic wild cards can already be felt a month beforehand. For 18 eclipse strategies, get: “Making Eclipses Work for You”

May is going to bring a potent Buddha New Moon, Jupiter exiting Aquarius for Pisces, a total lunar eclipse and both Saturn and Mercury turning retrograde. Knowing that time-line shifts are inevitable, make the very most of this week to take stock and do a course correction.

On May 3, the Sun in Taurus makes an exact square to Lord of Time and Karma Saturn in Aquarius – both of them Fixed signs. Think back to January 24th when the Sun made a conjunction to Saturn at 4° Aquarius. Look at where and how you’ve had to accept reality checks and come to terms with what can and can’t be changed. Continue reading