Sal’s Solstice Message – June 2018

sunSal Rachele – Greetings, dear friends, students and lightworkers. That time of year is once again upon us – a time of maximum light in the northern hemisphere and maximum darkness in the southern hemisphere. Of course, if you live near the equator, you might hardly notice the difference.

Like the outer cycles, we also have inner cycles – times when the light rushes into and through us and we remember, however briefly, that we are indeed expressions of God in material form – and then there are those times when the world seems to draw us into drama and trauma and we forget, for a moment, that we are One with our Creator. (Of course, this “moment” of forgetfulness can seem to span many lifetimes or aeons from a linear perspective.) Continue reading

Oracle Report Friday, April 27, 2018

reedLaura Walker – As the wave of the Mars-Pluto conjunction continues to pass today, let’s consider something else – the Sun.

And, to expand our imaginations, let’s look at it a different way.  Let’s not look at it from the traditional Western astrological perspective, but from the perspective of the Sacred Calendar of the Sun, the knowledge of which was retained by the Maya and called the tzolkin.

Today is 7 Reed in the tzolkin.  The Maya tell us that the number (7) is a tone that is emitted throughout our galaxy.  It is a frequency.  The Maya tell us that the sign (Reed) is our Sun’s specific addition to that frequency.  It’s added on (carrier wave). Continue reading

Amazing Properties of Sunlight You’ve Probably Never Heard About

Sayer Ji – Sunlight is well-known to provide us vitamin D, but did you know that it kills pain, keeps us alert at night, burns fat and more…

Our biological connection and dependence to the sun is so profound, that the very variation in human skin color from African, melanin-saturated dark skin, to the relatively melanin de-pigmented, Caucasian lighter-skin, is a byproduct of the offspring of our last common ancestor from Africa (as determined by mitochondrial DNA) migrating towards sunlight-impoverished higher latitudes, which began approximately 60,000 years ago.

In order to compensate for the lower availability of sunlight, the body rapidly adjusted, essentially requiring the removal of the natural “sunscreen” melanin from the skin, which interferes with vitamin D production; vitamin D, of course, is involved in the regulation of over 2,000 genes, and therefore is more like a hormone, without which our entire genetic infrastructure becomes destabilized. Continue reading

Riding the Storm: Does the Sun Trigger Hurricanes and Social Unrest?

“Great Wall Of Plasma” March 27, 2015. –

Therese Wade – What do the activities of our sun have to do with the increase in extreme weather, public scandals, mass tragedies and social unrest that we are experiencing here on earth? According to indigenous and shamanic belief, and their understanding of life and the universe… everything.

Each time I travel to the Southwest, I happen to cross paths with a different indigenous Indian man who teaches me about this period of accelerated change and instability.

The indigenous people of our land have valuable insight to share with us. Their oral traditions, passed down from generation to generation have long forecast this period of instability as part of a repeating cycle, which their ancient ancestors have lived through before.

This cycle involves our sun’s natural rhythms as it journeys around the galaxy, and the simultaneous maturing process of human beings within this solar system. According to indigenous and shamanic belief, the adventures and affairs of our sun get reflected on every level, from the geography and weather of the Earth, to our social structures and the activity of our individual brains — the way we think and interact with each other, and our transition, disruptive and tumultuous as it may be, into a new era. Continue reading

Earthquakes And The Sun

magnetic fieldsJoseph P Farrell – For quite some time I’ve had the wild idea that our habits of thinking about physical systems are all wrong, namely, that we tend to think of every system as a kind of closed phenomenon, having no impact or influence upon other systems. It’s out human habit: to analyze something we tend to break it off from the context in which it occurs, rather than look at the context itself as a contributing factor to the phenomenon or phenomena we wish to analyze.

Systems are usually open systems rather than closed ones, interacting with other systems that might not even be “local” in the conventional sense. I’m by no means alone in this view: the internet has been alive with amateur “systems watchers” for some time, trying to correlate data from a variety of systems to see if patterns emerge, say for example, severe weather or geophysical activity coordinated to when HAARP or EISCAT or other ionopsheric heaters are active; others look at strange magnetosphere effects and try to correlate these to the operations of Cern’s Large Hadron Collider, and so on.

I’ve gone so far as to propose that one should look at aggregate human behavior – and even memories – and try to correlate these to some of these other systems like the collider and so on, or that one should look carefully at planetary events as part of the larger system of the Earth-Sun system. Continue reading