Incoming Time-Line Shifts

Incoming Time-Line ShiftsLorna Bevan – The Pisces Full Moon last Saturday will deliver multiple etheric and esoteric downloads this week opening the gateway to the Libra Equinox on September 23rd. On September 16th, the Sun opposes Neptune in Pisces, creating a Grand Earth Trine to Pluto and Uranus. Both Mars and Venus connect with the karmic point of the Great Attractor at 14° Sagittarius.

Regardless of the narratives you hold, most of us are feeling the global emotional fields right now. Waves of collective emotion – mourning, loss, grief, life reviews, unsure futures, the push to move on, surrendering the old – are flowing in the field. Be alert for signs, symbols and synchronicities. Continue reading

Could It Be Choice or Synchronicities?

SynchronicitiesSherrie Dillard – We are being led. There is a presence moving through our heart, mind, and soul that guides and directs us. Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities, open us to new insights and help us to understand ourselves and what is happening around us in new ways. Synchronicity is intuition expressed in the outer world.

Synchronicities are no accident. The universe has carefully orchestrated the seemingly impossible convergences of things, people, events, and conditions. It does not matter how great or small the coincidence may be. We immediately recognize when we intersect with the cosmic. Although others may not always be able to feel and see it, we know when we are touched by the transcendent. The heart smiles, the mind opens, and like an Olympian gymnast, the soul joyously flips and leaps.

Offering a Glimpse into a Forgotten Reality

Synchronicities provide us with a glimpse into a reality that we have forgotten. They speak to the authentic self that is comfortable and at home in the realm of cosmic truth. Despite the powerful effect that a synchronicity can have on us, we all too soon attempt to dumb it down by rationalization.

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Rewriting the Past

old souls
Lee Carroll

Kryon – I’m Kryon of magnetic service.

This morning. We ask you to feel the wind of truth. It’s a metaphor; when you feel the wind blows often in a gentle way that’s refreshing and that’s the way the truth is of this shift. You’re looking at new energies that you have never had before presented to you in different ways. Years ago we spoke of the recalibration energy. You have passed through that and now comes the work.

So many of you have asked this very day. What’s next, what should I do? What’s possible? Because this is new dear ones, the manual for what’s next hasn’t been written, but there are things we can ask you to do that are so able to be done and it has to be done by old souls.

Now this is an overview, it’s a generality that I’m giving you. It’s not a specific. So let’s talk about the specifics first, which is backwards. You ask what you’re gonna do next. What are we supposed to do? What is that which is in the plan for you and almost all of you we say to you, you are unique. So it may be different for each of you, but there is one thing that we’re going to start asking for and you are going to hear it more and more. Old soul, in this new energy things are going to come to you. Watch for the synchronicity. Don’t pass it up.

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Recognizing Real vs. Artificial Synchronicities

synchronicitiesMontalk – Real synchronicities and artificial synchronicities both have meaning to the perceiver. Both manifest via highly improbable “coincidences.”

Real synchronicities come from your subconscious/HigherSelf/Universe and let you know that a quantum shift in perception is imminent – this can be an emotionally charged situation or a smoother leap in learning.

Artificial synchronicity is engineered by hyperdimensional negative beings in an attempt to suppress, sabotage, drain, distract, or mislead targets on the verge of awakening. This can happen in a variety of ways.

One way artificial synchronicity occurs is by backing disinformation with synchronistic “confirmation” – for example, you can get multiple people at the same time who apparently don’t know each other to tell you about some idea, which in truth is bait to lead you down the wrong path. You may see this odd timing as confirmation that it’s the right path, even though it isn’t.

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Catching The Bug Of Synchronicity

Synchronicities Paul Levy – Synchronicities are those moments of “meaningful coincidence” when the boundary dissolves between the inner and the outer. At the synchronistic moment, just like a dream, our internal, subjective state appears, as if materialized in, as and through the outside world. Touching the heart of our being, synchronicities are moments in time in which there is a fissure in the fabric of what we have taken for reality and there is a bleed through from a higher dimension outside of time. Synchronicities are expressions of the dreamlike nature of reality, as they are moments in time when the timeless, dreamlike nature of the universe shines forth its radiance and openly reveals itself to us, offering us an open doorway to lucidity.

Synchronicity was one of Jung’s most profound yet least understood discoveries, in part because it cannot be appreciated until we personally step into and experience the synchronistic realm for ourselves. Jung’s discovery of synchronicity was in a sense the parallel in the realm of psychology to Einstein’s discovery of the law of relativity in physics. Because it is so radically discontinuous with our conventional notions of the nature of reality, the experience of synchronicity is so literally mind-blowing that Jung contemplated this phenomenon for over twenty years before he published his thinking about it. Jung’s synchronistic universe was a new world view which embraced linear causality while simultaneously transcending it. A synchronistic universe balances and complements the mechanistic world of linear causality with a realm that is outside of space, time and causality. In a synchronicity, two heterogeneous world-systems, the causal and acausal, interlock and interpenetrate each other for a moment in time, which is both an expression of while creating in the field an aspect of our wholeness to manifest. The synchronistic universe is beginning-less in that we are participating in its creation right now, which is why Jung calls it “an act of creation in time.” Continue reading