As More Awaken, More Light Will Be Held

visionDiane Canfield – There has been a lot of energy changes/upgrades for all these last few weeks, I have been so busy with clients and writing my daily energy reports, and dealing with the upgrades, I have barely had time to keep up with all of them. Yet it is very important for everyone to be aware and have their consciousness uplifted by the energy that is changing and initiating light body activations in the Ascension process.

About 5 times or more  I have felt shifts coming in where I would feel a shift come through my body, this then manifests into a dizzy spell and I feel like I am going to fall off my chair. This lasts about 15 minutes and then is gone. We have also been experiencing bouts of nausea, fatigue, sleep issues, and vivid dreams are back again. Continue reading

Is Time Speeding Up?

timeBrooks Agnew – I know what you’re thinking. Time is speeding up. It feels like that because so much is coming at us all at once. Perhaps it is a function of the 24-hour news cycle. Perhaps it is the electric environment with extended daytime provided by lights and multi-time-zone access to live events. Is time is moving at the same rate it has moved for thousands of years?

Perhaps, what is really happening is a compression of awareness that occurs we have more of a database from which to draw for comparison. “Where did the time go?” middle-aged and older adults often remark. Many of us feel that time passes more quickly as we age, a perception that can lead to regrets. According to psychologist and BBC columnist Claudia Hammond, “the sensation that time speeds up as you get older is one of the biggest mysteries of the experience of time.” Fortunately, our attempts to unravel this mystery have yielded some intriguing findings. Continue reading