Mastering Quantum Reality – Timelines

timelinesSarah Elkhaldy – The quantum field is a wild beast that perplexes even the most astute minds. It seems to fluctuate back and forth between freewill and determinism, its rhythm is nonlinear, and it unfolds frequently in an unpredictable fashion.

One could hardly grasp that the universes editing software for seamlessly splicing and pasting together the strip of film before us, is when we blink our eyes. If we are anything, even before human, we are quantum animals.

So, I’ll be covering the quantum field of timelines. What exactly is a timeline and how you can master being at the cause, and not the effect end of quantum mechanics therefore becoming a master of this reality. Continue reading

Symptoms of Timeline Jumping – Oh boy it’s timeline bazaar!

timelineInelia Benz – I have spoken about timelines in various interviews and also mention them in the Ascension101 Course.  On my Mining Timelines Audio Class, there is a powerful guided meditation exercise to consciously choose highly resonant timelines. There are also two other exercises, one to mine for information, and another to mine for skills.

As a young child (about 3-4 years old), I became aware of the timeline in which I was living. When I realized which one it was, I had a total breakdown. I didn’t stop crying for three days. I lost my voice and ran out of tears. I didn’t sleep or eat, just cried inconsolably. At the end of the three days, and when I started fading, my parents took me to the doctor, who injected me with a tranquilizing agent and sent me home. I fell asleep and when I woke up, all was well. Continue reading

What To Avoid When Timeline Jumping

timeline jumpingMichelle Walling – As we continue to accelerate towards a timeline split or bifurcation of timelines, we are steering the collective consciousness towards the highest and best outcome. The role as a timeline jumper is of utmost importance at this time, but there are pitfalls to avoid that one needs to understand.

The false matrix system overlay is run by an artificial intelligence computer. Within this artificial matrix, there have been artificial “black holes” inserted which can pull you down into a swirling vortex of chaos and fear. Rev. Sharon Elizabeth James from the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light calls this “the tube”. In Vedic and other writings, the tube is depicted as a snake.

A person gets sucked into the tube when they lower their vibrational resonance. This can happen for many reasons. Arguments, misunderstandings, jealousy, addictions, drugs, alcohol, emotional traumas, and sickness are just examples that can escalate to magnetizing you to the tube. Interactions with others out of fear, anxiety, or ego can draw you towards the mouth of the snake. When you are in the tube, your reality shifts from riding the wave to being caught in the undertow.

Things in your personal life that seemed to be cleared come up again. People may seem to attack you from many different directions all at once. Rather than life seamlessly unfolding, there is struggle and chaos. Nothing seems to be going right when you are in the tube. Continue reading

Timeline Jumping & Dimensional Shifting

“As we near the Equinox in September, the 8/8 transformations will receive an Earth Expansion Signal that will further amplify the higher dimensional awakening.  This will be a time of more Diamond Light Body-infused businesses and innovations (inventions of healing and social technology, specifically) receiving greater visibility and acknowledgement from the collective-human-Earth energy field.” – Corrina

DimensionalShiftingManStarHeartHello!  It’s so wonderful to be blogging again after the birth of my beautiful daughter Leianna.  We are experiencing so much change right now in the Earth reality that the time is ripe to be transmitting messages again.  Before I dive into the energy update, I want to let you know about a new, monthly Energy Transmission & Healing Call I will be doing.  It’s the third Monday of every month.  Each month will be a live transmission and a sharing of what we can expect energetically.  You can sign up for September’s call here.

8/8 Timeline Jump

Beginning on the 8/8 there was a consciousness shift that became available to humanity.  This shift involved upgrading to the New Money Matrix (go here for a free energy transmission to receive the New Money Matrix upgrade) and activating a “loop” on the evolutionary, Ascension Timeline on Earth.  Once activated this “loop” pulls us up in frequency and in “time”.  The impact of connecting into this timeline leap is an acceleration of time, events and healing.  You may be experiencing a rapid integration of new revelations, illusions breaking down and healing.  It’s also important to realize that in such a timeline jump, we can experience deeper polarities of reality with the Ascended Reality–Heaven on Earth–becoming clearer and experienced while the Descended Reality is shaking off of us through everyday experiences.  We indeed live both!

This is a time to truly let go and allow the rushing of timeline ascensions and descensions to move through us.  Be in the moment and OBSERVE what is happening.  Our ability to have an Eagle’s view of our lives will serve us well now.

Diamond Light Upgrade

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