What to trust…

what to trustThe Angels – You are living in exciting times! So many of you are concerned about the state of the world, and yet from our eternal perspective, your world offers so many beautiful possibilities right now. You can connect with one another as never before. You can share information as never before. You can interact, witness, and experience more than ever before. The world has become your family and the entire earth your home.

Part of this is due to your modern technology. Your Internet opened up the gateways of connection for your entire world. Before this technology, most individuals grew up in relatively closed systems. They were influenced by friends, family, church, community, and maybe some carefully controlled news, but not much more.

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ECETI News #54 – Navigating the Chaos

Navigating the Chaos James Gilliland – In the days to come there will be a lot of change and chaos. The new world has not yet manifested and the old world is going out, imploding on itself under the karmic weight of maleficence. All institutions out of alignment with Universal Law and those with a history of actions against humanity and the Earth are suffering the boomerang effect.

Buddha said a fool and his mischief is like fresh milk. It takes time to sour but as surely as the cart carried by the horse it will catch up. Some of the mischief takes years, centuries to sour. We are entering a quickening of time and events everything is being accelerated and amplified. Continue reading

Relax and Trust the Universal Intelligence

Jafree Ozwald – I invite you to explore the feeling that you are always at the right place, at the right time and you’re being taken care of, provided for by a highly intelligent loving source in each new moment.

Just for this moment, allow everything in your life to be exactly the way it is. Yes, you can take a vacation from the world of worry and relax into your innermost paradise. You deserve a break from this very busy mind. Take a deep breath right now and let yourself relax. The more you can relax into your body, the easier it is to discover this intelligent Universal energy. Continue reading

Trust And Inner Strength

July 2022 Monthly ForecastLena Stevens – In this highly triggered, unsettled, and unstable time, when anything can happen suddenly and without warning to destabilize you, the only thing that can truly help is relying on your inner wisdom, intuition, truth and strength.

The key word here is “inner”. As the external structures we have come to rely on are falling apart, we are left with the challenge and responsibility of connecting with an inner strength that comes from connecting with our own personal truth, trusting in our support, and keeping a positive attitude no matter what. Continue reading

How To Let Go Of Overwhelm And Deeply Relax

trustJafree Ozwald – Have you become a bit over-stimulated and overwhelmed by the complicated fast-paced systems we are all operating within? As you may realize, we are living in very exciting times that can sometimes feel like a bit too much. The world and its consciousness are changing faster than ever before and sometimes our minds have trouble navigating these changes. You have a choice. You don’t have to let chaotic feelings of overwhelm rule your existence.

You can learn how to let go, relax, and remain receptive to what life has to offer you. You can choose to refocus your energies on creating a more relaxed and enjoyable way of living that deeply nourishes your body, mind, and soul. You can only reap all of the rich and fulfilling rewards life has to offer you when you live life from a relaxed, centered, and peaceful place. Continue reading