UFOs Are Simply Watching What We Are Up To

UFOsArjun Walia – What are there these mysterious objects that constantly cruise through our atmosphere performing maneuvers that no known man made piece of machinery can perform? Who are they? Many people have been asking this question for centuries. UFOs have been documented for what seems to be thousands of years.

Interesting interpretations can be found in ancient texts like the Mahabharata all the way to the present day. For example, during the year 1211, Gervase of Tilbury, a chronicler of historical events and strange, unexplainable phenomenon, documented what appears to be a possible encounter with ‘people’ from ‘elsewhere’ who emerged from ships in the sky. Continue reading

Von Braun Fake Alien Invasion Card 2020 [Video]

UFOsAlexandra Bruce – This is the best episode of Dark Journalist in a while, as Daniel Liszt is joined by Dr. Joseph Farrell to discuss how the Globalists’ disclosure agenda was disrupted by the failure of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid.

On the campaign trail, UFO disclosure was part of Hillary’s platform, when she stumped on the late night TV shows, calling UFOs by their hip new acronym, “UAP” for “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena”. Her campaign manager, John Podesta is a longtime disclosure advocate who’d met with Tom DeLonge just prior to the launch of the latter’s CIA-led To The Stars Academy (TTSA)

TTSA is sputtering in an environment that no one had foreseen, a world without Clintonistas in the White House. Meanwhile, on the other side, Liszt says, “We have Trump with the Space Force trying to grab the reins of the UFO file.” Continue reading

Documents Expose What The Rockefellers Knew About UFOs

“There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” – Senator Daniel K. Inouye, the highest ranking Asian-American politician in United States history (source)

RockefellerArjun Walia – A number of presidents and politicians have spoken openly about this “shadowy” government over the years; you can see more statements like the one above here. As far as who is in charge of operating these clandestine activities, who knows?

One great way to find out is to follow the money, and in doing so, it becomes immediately apparent that corporations sit higher than the government itself.

“It’s corruption really, the might of money, the corporations that hold governments in their hands, because of lobbying power and so forth, it’s really frightening.”Jane Goodall (source)

The recognition that we now live in a ‘corporatocracy’ rather than a democracy has become almost a commonplace for many people. Above the corporations (who continually require access to cheap money), however, are the big banks. These groups supply cheap loans to corporation, enabling them to maintain their lobbying power and thus their influence over governmental policy. The banks in question include Chase, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs, to name a few. Continue reading

It’s Clear They’re Here – But Who & Why? From Where & How?

ETsSpaceshipsSkyCloudIf one chooses to dive into the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and the extraterrestrial hypothesis, they would no doubt be overwhelmed by all of the credible evidence that’s now available in the public domain pointing to the fact that; not only are we not alone, but planet Earth has been visited and is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial spacecraft.

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” – Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell (source) (source)

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

Reports of strange and unexplained objects in our atmosphere go back for centuries. In modern history, the topic began attracting some serious attention when mass UFO sightings were occurring in the 1940’s and 50’s. The rate of incidents were so high that they could not be concealed, and President Truman was forced to make a statement about them on national television. He stated that the topic of UFOs is discussed at every conference that the administration has had with the military. He said that there are always things like that going on. (source) Continue reading

James Corbett ~ Are UFOs An Intelligence Psyop? [Video]

“Do you think that some of the more outlandish conspiracy theories you see online (this subreddit included) about ancient cults, UFOs, the occult, and secret advanced technology actually do more to help the international banking cartel continue to perpetuate their financial schemes by deterring otherwise serious researchers from studying what is really hidden at the top of the financial “pyramid”?


Do you think that elements of the intelligence apparatus owned by this global banking monopoly are partially behind these outlandish theories? In the same way that the US gov’t encourages people to believe there are UFOs at Area 51 to hide the real aircraft research that happens there, do secret online CIA trolls tell stories about the Illuminati and Zionists to hide more mundane crimes of greed and psychopathy? As the international banking system is slowly being publicly revealed as the pyramid scheme that it is, how do you suggest people involved/employed within the establishment media (like myself) approach these subjects, while avoiding the psychological traps set in the minds of others by these ideas?”

SF Source corbettreport  Nov 3 2014