A Lesson In Time

Beacons Of Light | November 19 2012

Greetings from Home ~ Awakening the Child Within

EinsteinThis day has created a new vibration. You are all acclimating yourself to it in a new way, for you have opportunities that you have not had before. It is an opportunity for you to change your perceptions, to shift your energy and look at things differently. You all seem to be healers in some way, and most of you have helped others to go back and find the origin of their problems. It is very simple, dear ones. Most of your experiences happen first in childhood or even in adolescence, as it is very easy to scar a human psyche when you are young because you are getting to know yourself. Many of you have discovered ways of returning to what your original intent was during those times of misdirection. Why would you misdirect yourself? Why would anyone do so? Certainly it is not done intentionally. Misdirection often happens with knowledge. For instance, you see an open door and the handle looks very inviting. So, you push the door open further, simply step in and say, “This feels good for now. I will go forward.” Well, humans are adapters. You step into something new and rather than say, “Eww, this does not feel good,” you adapt yourselves and soon you are adjusting everything around you. You say, “Okay, I moved this over here and that over there, so now it feels comfortable.” What you do not always realize is that sometimes it takes a tremendous amount of your energy to play this game, which makes it more difficult in many aspects.

So, what would it take for you to return to the perceptions you held when you were a child? What would it take to re-member? Of course, your life has changed and you have evolved greatly since then. We do not expect you to go back to who you were as a child or even pretend to be that again. You now have an opportunity to re-member what your perception was when you took that original sidestep, the first time that you opened a new door and decided to go through it. Suddenly you find yourself way down the hallway very invested in your journey and your travel. You are far too invested to turn around and go back, and so you are adapting everything. “Oh, this is not what I expected, so I will adapt and harmonize it.” Well, you are getting very good at that. Now, what about re-membering where you were originally going and your original intent? That is one of the key pieces that will help all of you to return to this. You are the greatest beings that have ever walked the Earth. Never doubt that. You can turn around and see behind you the generations that have gone before you, even within your own family. You can see how the vibrational levels have risen over all of humanity as you have evolved. It is grand indeed. It is beyond your understanding that we always celebrate your evolution on the other side. We are excited to watch as you evolve to where you can actually perceive us without the channels and hear us all in your own heart. That is coming for each and every one of you…doubt it not. It is absolutely what you have asked for and there is only one answer to what god asked for – and so it is. It is very simple. Whatever it is that you decide, you harmonize what is out there and it is created in a new way.

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Eckart Tolle | Eckart Tolle
November 18 2011

There’s a particular dimension where creativity arises. It’s a little bit like the wick burning the flame, and its sustenance is the oil – it’s in an oil lamp, and you are the flame. All the analogies, by the way, are very deficient, but it’s just a distant approximation to get you into a sense of what that place is. So you are the flame, and you feel your way into the very source – down the wick into where the oil is, inside yourself. That’s the place, the source, so if anything is new, creative, then it has a fragrance of the source.

Somehow, humans, even humans who are still very much identified with their mind, many of them are touched by when they see or hear or whatever – come into contact with – something that came out of that deeper level, whether it’s a work of art, or a piece of music, or it could just be somebody talking. And the words come from that deeper level. It could just be somebody who has a good sense of humor – even that is already a form of creativity. Spontaneous humor is to suddenly see something that one wouldn’t normally see – a connection between two seemingly unconnected things, and suddenly you connect them and everybody laughs. Some people have that. Some people have one small area in which they can be creative, and that can be enough to provide you with fulfillment and an income, for the rest of your life – and to contribute that gift to others.

Great stand up comedians, for example, have that gift. Of course, not everything they say is spontaneous, but when they prepare their stuff, they have to be creative. Now I don’t know if anybody here has tried to be a standup comedian, but it’s difficult. Many people try. It’s hard to be funny. But some have it, and it’s amazing – those few that have that gift. And there too, the sense of humor is spontaneously something arises, and there it comes. It’s being in touch with that. It’s wonderful to be able to be in touch with that, and feel the power that flows from there, out into this world. Now for that, of course you need some kind of vehicle, because the power needs to flow into some kind of form.

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