3 New Studies Confirm Dangers Of BPA And Substitutes

“Given the prevalence of these chemicals and the lack of willingness by regulatory agencies to take sweeping action, it is imperative to eliminate endocrine-disruptors from your system.” ~J Green


The full range of dangers presented by the DNA-damaging endocrine disruptor and neurotoxin Bisphenol-A (BPA) is finally being understood and widely communicated by the scientific community.

It has been linked to obesity, infertility and reproductive disorders in both genders, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, behavioral problems, liver tumors and more. A Harvard study found a whopping 1200% spike in BPA levels in the urine of people who had recently eaten canned soup, and study after study is showing that harm results at much lower levels than previously thought.

However, even more troubling are the studies revealing that BPA substitutes carry the same level and range of dangers that hoodwink people by labeling “BPA Free” when the presence of bisphenol remains as Bisphenol-S, AP, M, or P.

3 new studies are posted below that highlight the dangers to both humans and nature from the presence of these toxins that are still deemed acceptable by the EPA, which continues to urge that the public does not even have a right to know about where BPA and its substitutes appear.

1. BPA stimulates growth of breast cancer cells, diminishes effect of treatment

Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical commonly used in plastics, appears to increase the proliferation of breast cancer cells, according to Duke Medicine researchers presenting at an annual meeting of endocrine scientists. Continue reading

Daisy Luther ~ The Good, The Bad, And The Deadly: EWG Releases 2014 Dirty Dozen And Clean Fifteen Lists

ReadyNutrition  April 30 2014

avocadoThe Environmental Working Group has released its 2014 list of The Dirty Dozen Plus and The Clean Fifteen.

It’s important to note that the suggestions given by EWG are based strictly on the levels of contamination from pesticide.  The Clean 15 list does contain items that are potentially genetically modified, so you must be aware of this fact when shopping, as we recommend strict avoidance of all GMOs.  For example, field corn and nearly all papayas from Hawaii are genetically modified.  Some varieties of sweet corn, tomatoes,  mangoes, and zucchini are also genetically modified.  This list has absolutely nothing to do with GMOs and everything to do with toxic pesticides. Just because a food is on the list, please understand we are not wholeheartedly endorsing that you go buy the conventional version.  Do your research.  Remember, if you purchase organic you are not only avoiding pesticides, but also GMOs.  You can also look for items verified by the Non-GMO Project.

By purchasing your produce locally as much as possible, you can learn more about the source of your fruits and vegetables, and whether or not they were from GMO seeds.  you can find a very comprehensive directory of local farms, co-ops and CSAs across the country HERE.

Anyway, back to pesticides… Continue reading

EWG’s 2014 Shopper’s Guide To Pesticides In Produce

EWG  April 28 2014

EWG’s 2014 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce

PesticidesInApplesWashington, D.C. – Environmental Working Group charged today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has failed to tell Americans – as required under federal law – that they have a right to know about the risks of pesticide exposure and ways they can reduce pesticides in their diets.

Because the EPA has not complied in full with the Congressional mandate, for more than a decade EWG has stepped in to fill the void by publishing its Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.  EWG aims to help people eat healthy and reduce their exposure to pesticides in produce.

“EWG’s Shopper’s Guide helps people find conventional fruits and vegetables with low concentrations of pesticide residues,” said Sonya Lunder, EWG’s senior analyst and principle author of the report.  “If a particular item is likely to be high in pesticides, people can go for organic.”

The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 required EPA to assess pesticides in light of their particular dangers to children and to ensure that pesticides posed a “reasonable certainty of no harm” to children or any other high-risk group.  One provision of the act required that EPA inform people about possible hazards to their health brought about consuming pesticides with their food.  The agency provides some information on its website, but it does not list foods likely to contain the highest amounts of pesticide residues nor those that pose the greatest dangers to human health. Most importantly, it does not offer the “right to know” information Congress required on behalf of consumers in 1996:  how to avoid pesticide exposures while still eating a healthy diet.

Apples topped this year’s annual Dirty Dozen list of most pesticide-contaminated produce for the fourth year.

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The EPA Furthers The Carbon Tax Agenda With Deadly Human Experiments

NutritionalAnarchy  April 3 2014

DieselExhaustCollectedFromIdlingTruckOur friends and protectors at the Environmental Deception Protection Agency are so adamant about protecting us from air pollution that they are conducting dangerous experiments on human beings, some of them children.

Just to emphasize the importance of your soon-to-be-due carbon taxes, the EPA exposed vulnerable members of our population to deadly pollutants: the elderly, people with chronic health problems, and children.  What’s more – they never warned those participating in the study that the toxins they would be exposed to carried with them the risk of cancer and death.

Victims Participants were exposed to diesel exhaust particulates.  One study was called ”Asthma in Susceptible Children”.  Here are some pictures that show the process of the experiment.

The website JunkScience.com first called out the EPA for their unethical experiments back in February of last year, when the EPA scrubbed their site of information regarding the unethical particulate experiment on children. (You can read their report here) This week, JunkScience went even further with their exposure of the twisted experiments:

GuyBreathingInCarbonLet’s see if we can summarize the human experiments scandal.

I have an ongoing effort, along with many others to do battle with the EPA on air pollution research that violates scientific rules on how to prove causation.

Milloy and I found out the EPA was doing human experiments under the radar exposing subjects to what EPA said was lethal and toxic, even carcinogenic air pollution.

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