How Can We Give And Receive, Even In Hard Economic Times?

How Can We Give And Receive, Even In Hard Economic Times?The Twelve – You have always had hard economic times. And you have always had prosperous economic times… an abundant supply of both. These “times” are no different than any others that you have ever had throughout your life experience. The difference now is that so many of your fellows are convinced that times are bad.

And if you’ll convince yourself that it just ain’t so, then you will begin to experience something completely different than the others are experiencing. And now you have something to give. When you, by changing your personal vibration to one of prosperity, growth, abundance, in spite of all the gloom and doom on the TV and radio, or even in spite of your personal circumstances, when you begin to demonstrate success in even the littlest way, you really have something to crow about. Continue reading

The Union Is Not a Suicide Pact

The Union Is Not a Suicide PactJ. B. Shurk – Comey: I am the law.  Fauci: I am the science.  Deep State: We are your democracy.  Federal Reserve: We are your freedom.  This kind of authoritarianism does not belong in America.  When tyrants pervert the law, distort scientific inquiry, abuse their power, and pilfer middle-class savings, they are American in name only.

Now that Mr. Durham has gotten around to confirming what most of us have known for nearly seven years — namely, that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, Jim Comey, James Clapper, and the State-aligned press corps doing the Intelligence Community’s bidding all conspired to push the fraudulent Russian collusion narrative in an attempt to take down a duly elected president — there are quite a few people calling for the FBI to be either reformed or disbanded.  Surprisingly, some of these people now calling for the FBI’s demolition are even elected officials. Continue reading

Food “Safety” Reform And The Covert Continuation Of The Enclosure Movement

Farm Wars Healing ourselves is the essence of democratic development.” – Michael Parenti, final remarks, California State University, Channel Islands, March 11, 2004.


Nicole Johnson – Our nation is awakening to the fact that convenience-oriented, industrial food products, which have substantially displaced our traditional diet, have altered our collective health for the worse. Citizens are actively seeking out food that is unadulterated by a long list of unhealthy – though government-approved — ingredients in industrially processed products, recognizing them to be a primary cause of our steady decline into preventable chronic disease and premature death. People increasingly demand food in its natural form to nourish their bodies down to the cellular level. Continue reading

Cycles Of A Nation Called America

[Note: This is article 3 of a four part series. You can read part 1 here, part 2 here. The original article explaining the differences between Actives and Passives is here.]

Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall  – Though the 1760 – 1810 cycle was definitely Active driven (Passives start wars, but prefer them to be on foreign soil and that those other than themselves fight in them), the attraction of power to political office already made itself felt through the influence of Alexander Hamilton.

Hamilton was the one who recommended the first central bank (The Bank of the United States). He said the money needed to start the bank would come from the sale of $10 million in stock. The United States government would purchase the first $2 million in shares and the other $8 million would be available to the public as an investment in their new nation – and those abroad (like the Rothschilds) – could invest too. Continue reading

Your Life Tests Nudge You In The Right Direction

EarthPleiadian High Council – Your paths are now clearly being laid out before you. As this year progresses and the energies hitting your planet increase moment by moment in scope and purity, many of you are beginning to realize that the old simply cannot exist anymore. The dense and faded energies of the old, the old that has been the norm on your world for so very long, are to be transmuted and have their energetic templates changed to that of a Lighted, Loving energy.

The old has been disintegrating for some time and as you continue to feed the lower vibrations that are ceasing increasingly to be on your world, you are finding that you are being nudged toward activities, thoughts and feelings that are of the Light rather than of the dark, as the duality of your world is beginning to cease.

The arrival and establishment of these energies could not come to be if it was not for you on Earth who have put in the energy and effort to make it so. You have given so much of yourselves to Earth and her ascension, and many of you are incarnate on Earth to serve exactly the purpose you are serving now.

So we ask you at this stage in the game, would it make sense to turn back to what you have known as familiar, to those older and lower energies that you have felt comfortable in, but that have also caused you pain and hardships whilst living and existing in? We can feel that many of you will make the choices that are most aligned with your Life paths, and we can feel that the lower-dimensional tests that many of you have been going though, are nudging you in the right direction.

If only you knew how planned and coordinated your Lives really are, and your Lives are not in fact coordinated by us. The events that manifest in your lives are first planned by you in accordance with your Higher Self and many aspects of your Higher Self which have been funneled down to exist in realities slightly more pure than your third/fourth dimensional reality in which you are currently Living. These funneled-down yet more advanced parts of yourselves exist just beyond the sphere of third and fourth dimensionality, and they are simply awaiting your presence on ever higher planes of existence, so that they can guide you and help you to learn for your and their experiences.

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