Forget Positivity, Keep Your Ego

lifeMateo Sol – There is one great pitfall that we are all at risk of experiencing on our journey of self-transformation through life. This pitfall is essentially our tendency to ignore the entirety of what it means to be a human being. In other words, it can be very easy for us to ignore the darker elements of who we are, and instead focus on emphasizing our lighter, more comfortable elements.

As I wrote about in my previous article regarding discovering your core wound, when we ignore many of the deep-seated and uncomfortable aspects about ourselves, we do ourselves a disservice.

While it is noble for us to want to search for the good within everything, and while it is virtuous for us to want to use “love” to solve all of humanity’s problems, we often fail to acknowledge that we must first overcome the series of erroneous beliefs, psychological traumas, and parts of ourselves that we’ve neglected before “love” and “light” can serve as our guiding forces.

Ways You Get Stranded on Your Path of Transformation

A very big obstacle on our journeys of personal growth and self-understanding is our tendency to become enamored by the promise of “peace” and “love,” and in the process, shy away from experiencing the more difficult and darker elements of self-exploration.

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The value of differences

unityThe Angels – There is, deep within human hearts, a deep desire for unity. Deep down, you all have a desire to connect in a loving and meaningful way. At times it seems like a dream to find this union with all the diverse and conflicting opinions upon your planet earth. However, unity never requires sameness, never requires similarity, and has never even asked for agreement.

As children you were fascinated by differences. You loved meeting people who looked different, or acted differently. You were curious. You learned something new with every new encounter. When someone believed something different than you, you asked with genuine interest, “Why?”  You listened, decided if the other perspective resonated with you, and then either engaged in the dialogue further or walked away. You were students of life, learning about others and yourselves at the same time. Continue reading

United We Fall

unityPaul Rosenberg – Like you, I’ve heard “united we stand, divided we fall” hundreds of times, probably thousands. If fact, we’ve heard it so many times that by now it triggers emotions in us: All together we can’t be stopped! And so on.

Except that it’s mainly a trap. Unity is the downward path – the road to decline.

In fact, being united has value in very few areas of life. If you want a mass of bodies to charge another mass of bodies on the other side of a battlefield – then unity matters. But when you want honesty, intelligence, compassion, innovation, and evolution, unity is your enemy.

Unity works for body-power, but it works against all the higher and better aspects of our nature. And to be blunt, that’s why the sacrifice collectors of mankind love unity – they want obedient bodies, not self-determinant minds.

Spiritual Unity?

The really pernicious thing about unity is that it’s sold as some kind of spiritual ideal: We each sacrifice our ourselves, then we somehow become magical, collective superheroes.

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, March 23, 2016

unity Full Moon in Libra: realizations, clarity

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bhuvaneshvari, Goddess Who Protects, Goddess of Sound

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: “sit in spiritual communion” (observe events and understand that a higher power is in effect)

True Alignments: having things in common, signs and messages, formidable presence, going with the flow, team efforts, romantic, quiet time, comfort, love

Catalysts for Change:  pressure, escaping reality, communication breakdown, separations, disturbing the peace, lack of depth, eruptions, criticizing, rushing ahead, hopeless

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a table set for an evening meal” (re-setting, re-ordering, re-doing, expectations)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (the recalibration of human consciousness)

The Full Moon phase enters at 07:01 am ET/11:01 am UT at 04 Libra and the Sabian symbol or archetypal energetic of “a group of young people sit in spiritual communion around a campfire.”  The spirit of unity pervades the phase.

The notion of unity is what we want to keep in mind over the next few days, since the planets will be active.  The intensity of the energetics can be quite emotional.  The next three days are pivotal.  Here is what we need to know:

1- Shadow sides – are in full force through Friday 1:10 pm ET/5:10 pm UT when the Moon will move out of Libra and into Scorpio.  Face to face encounters with ourselves and the truth of matters accompanies the energy.  While the Moon moves through Libra, shadow sides will have a tendency to come out, and some will project their feelings onto others.

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Pathways to Spiritual Unity

pathOwen K Waters – In “The Book of Secrets,” Deepak Chopra updates the Vedic spiritual paths in a way which aligns these paths with the modern Western lifestyle.

According to the Vedic tradition, each person can choose from four paths to obtain unity consciousness. The word ‘yoga’ is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “union with God.” The four paths, or yogas, seek unity through thinking, feeling, acting and being. They are traditionally called:

Jnana (“Gya-na”) Yoga – thinking: The path to unity through knowledge.
Bhakti Yoga – feeling: The path to unity by loving devotion to God.
Karma Yoga – acting: The path to unity through selfless action.
Raja Yoga – being: The path to unity through meditation and renunciation.

People may pursue one or more paths at once. In fact, Raja Yoga, which literally means “The King of the Yogas,” embraces aspects of all the other three paths. It achieves this by the fact that meditation transcends and includes the end result of what the other paths – thinking, feeling, and acting – are trying to reach, which is the essence of being.

You could say that meditation is a short-cut to spiritual union, or unity consciousness. Instead of working through actions, thoughts and feelings, you go right to the end result and become enlightened by inner awareness, by inner beingness.

The Four Paths to Spiritual Unity

1. Thinking.

The path of knowledge begins with concentration upon a subject or an object. When long, focused attention is given to a subject or object, intuitive information begins to enter into your awareness. While intuition is your link to inner guidance, it can also provide knowledge directly from a physical object via the subtle senses. For example, if you saw a piece of previously-owned jewelry for sale, you could pick it up and feel it in your hands through your physical sense of touch. At the same time, with a little focus and some quiet time, your subtle sense of touch could enable the transfer of the object’s memory into your awareness. Intuition is the gateway to inner connection and the wisdom that it brings. By following the thread of knowledge, through intuition and then deeper into your inner connection, you experience glimpses of the unity consciousness within. Continue reading