Unknown but Important: How the States Created the US Constitution

What You Don’t Know About Political Parties In The United StatesPaul Rosenberg – I’ll be brief, but there’s a crucial fact that Americans have seldom grasped. It’s not really secret, but it’s almost unknown. And it’s very important.

Notwithstanding its rhetorical “We the people” opening line, it was the states that created the US constitution. It was their representatives that produced it and it was they who ratified it. This was clearly understood at the time and long afterward. I could throw a number of quotes at you to support this, but I’ll give you just one, from James Madison, the primary author of the constitution, in the Federalist Papers (#39, to be specific). This is Madison explaining the power of the states over the senate in the new arrangements: Continue reading

Tribalism: How the Democrat Party Embraces Division

The Left and TribalismPaul Dunlop – The Democrat Party has been taken over by people who want power, the Left. Our system makes it hard to accumulate power. Democrats must destroy our system. Tribalism is a great weapon for doing that.

The leftist Democrat leaders of today only care about getting and keeping power. They don’t care about Blacks or gays or trans or environmentalists. These groups are just weapons of convenience with which to pound the American public into permanent submission. Stoking preexisting tensions in our society, or creating tensions where none exist has been an effective tactic. Continue reading

2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?

2024: Do We Hit the Iceberg or Finally Change Course?J.B. Shurk – It is difficult for any American who loves this country to watch its political, economic, and military “leaders” destroy it. Part of the political theater propping up the illusion of electoral choice in this Kabuki dance that the State-controlled press calls “democracy” is the lie that officeholders from different parties are at each other’s throats.

More Americans than ever finally see through this convenient fiction and understand that a single Uniparty acts as a guild of political thespians who are the face of a permanently entrenched national security Deep State that runs the show. Continue reading

A Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good Americans

A Ruling Class that Shamelessly Shames Good AmericansJ.B. Shurk – America is not meant to have a “ruling class.” The Declaration of Independence takes direct aim at an entrenched aristocracy by stating a “self-evident” truth that “all men are created equal.” People, of course, are not naturally equal. They are blessed with individual talents and carry through their lives individual burdens, but no person is born with a divine right to rule over others.

On the contrary, through God’s gifts of life and liberty to each one of us, we are capable of governing ourselves. That is harder than it sounds because self-government is a responsibility that requires work and vigilance. Continue reading

Freedom’s Greatest Hour Of Danger Is Now

“What if the rights and principles guaranteed in the Constitution have been so distorted in the past 200 years as to be unrecognizable by the Founders? What if the government was the reason we don’t have a Constitution anymore? What if freedom’s greatest hour of danger is now?”—Andrew P. Napolitano

Freedom’s Greatest Hour Of Danger Is NowJohn W Whitehead – We are approaching critical mass, the point at which all hell breaks loose.

The government is pushing us ever closer to a constitutional crisis.

What makes the outlook so much bleaker is the utter ignorance of the American people—and those who represent them—about their freedoms, history, and how the government is supposed to operate. Continue reading