A Full Moon of Powerful Connection & Evolutionary Creativity

VenusLeslie Benson – The Aquarius Full Moon of August, taking place in the early morning of August 15th for the west coast, later for the east coast and Europe, sheds light on the full spectrum of our heart’s connections and longings.

The Sun and Venus in close conjunction in the bright and bold sign of Leo offers illumination on our core values and how we are living in or out of accordance with them. In fact, there is a full on “personal planet party” happening in Leo for this Full Moon, as the Sun, Venus, Mars, and now Mercury are all there.

All of the personal planets but the Moon stacked in the same sign heighten our awareness of this area of the Zodiac, so that all of this Leo activity reminds us of both our amazing capacity in being seen and shining our inner light brightly, as well as our fears around that, and encourages an influx of creativity to find our way into a more fully expressed version of ourselves.

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A Quantum Leap of Faith

Astrology Forecast August 4th – 11th July, 2019

6 August – Sun trine Great Attractor
7 August – Sun trine Jupiter
8 August – Lions’ Gate / Venus trine Jupiter / Venus trine Great Attractor
11 August – Jupiter Direct 14° Sagittarius / Uranus RX / Sun conjunct Venus /  Mercury into Leo

jupiterLorna Bevan – This is a week to let the Light in, to open your High Heart and model the physical and spiritual warmth of the Leo Sun Sirian Lions’ Gate. The incoming 2020 time-lines are accelerating, making the Present and the Future so much more compelling than the Past – which is now deleting rapidly.

Together the Great Benefics Venus and Jupiter are soothing your tattered edges, old wounds and flooding your system with healing. It is a turning point when you begin to remember how it feels to be restored, regenerated and resurrected.

Mark August 11/12th in your calendar, when 4 days before the futurist Aquarius Full Moon, both Uranus and Jupiter – harbingers of the New – change direction at the same time: Jupiter turns Direct and Uranus stations Retrograde. This is a gift of a quantum leap of faith.  When two threshold planets change direction at once, it feels like a tidal surge when everything is in flux. So stay grounded, knowing that this is all happening in perfect timing. Continue reading

One of a Kind & One of the Crowd

28th July – 21st August 2019: Venus in Leo (including a New Moon in Leo on 1st August 2019)

venusSarah Varcas – Venus entered Leo on 28th July 2019. Given the challenges of the eclipse season which ended on 29th July, this is something to celebrate! After much self-analysis and the illumination of some thorny issues, we can now relax into being who we are without apology or self-consciousness!

Venus in Leo rejoices in the pleasures of being a personality in a sensual physical body, occupying a world that provides enjoyment alongside the hardships we face. It’s time to embrace some more of the fun and a bit less of the challenge!

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Oracle Report Monday, November 12, 2018

Photographer Steffi

Laura Walker – We have a big astrological week ahead. Let’s look at how it begins today:

1 – Values, Values, Values – I have written about values a lot since Venus stationed retrograde on October 5th. That seems like an eternity ago! In many ways it was.

Every day of Venus’ retrograde is significant. In 42 days, Venus tries to do what usually takes it 18 months to do.

So, each day of the retrograde, our ideas about what we truly value change or become fine-tuned. This is why I suggested we make a list of the things we value when Venus went retrograde. It is a good idea to break out this list today and review it. How have the things on your list evolved or devolved since October 5th? Continue reading