The Green Horseman Cometh

The Green Horseman ComethBrooks Agnew – The first in a long list of box-checking financial institutions, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) just went bust in the amount of $212 billion. This is not just any bank. This is where the hottest tech startups in the world borrowed money to get started, and where most of them called home for all their online banking.

Remarkably, 93 percent of the bank’s $161 billion in deposits are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which only covers accounts up to $250,000. And Roku, to name just one many whales, had $487 million in Silicon Valley Bank. Continue reading

Invasion of the virtue signalers

wokeGraham Cunningham – Vladimir Putin may be a paranoid autocrat and a failing military strategist, but when he talks about people in the West who want to “destroy [its] traditional values and impose their pseudo-values … which would corrode [it] from within” you surely have to ask yourself if he doesn’t have a point.

Ironically, the people he presumably is talking of really do know how to mount a successful invasion. However you choose to describe them – social justice warriors, virtue-signaling liberals or “the woke” – they have achieved a rapid colonization of every single institution of civil society in America. And all without firing a shot. Continue reading

The Road to Hell Is Paved with Virtue-Signaling

Virtue-SignalingCharles Hugh Smith – Here in the decay phase of Imperial Pretensions, The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. It’s a line from Yeats’ poem The Second Coming, and it speaks to our current stumbling descent toward the abyss, where the worst invest their energies in virtue-signaling and the best retreat from the hopelessness of actually addressing our real-world problems.

The road to Hell is paved with virtue-signaling: rather than actually solve the knotty problems that are dragging us toward the abyss, we substitute self-righteousness for problem-solving. That is virtue-signaling in a nutshell.

Virtue-signaling goes hand in hand with the only “solution” that’s politically correct: throw a borrowed trillion dollars at the “problem”, dance the humba-humba around the bonfire at midnight and hope that magic will resolve the underlying issues. Continue reading