System Failure – Waking Up in the Matrix

 waking upMorag O’Brien – The matrix. It signifies seeing beyond the invisible prison walls of our reality, and recognising and questioning its existence is one of the first signs of awakening — of truly waking up.

At first, the beginning of our transition and re-calibration to higher frequencies beyond the construct of the matrix is a blissful, beautiful experience. Being connected to the multiverse, to the cosmic love energy, is life-changing. We begin to understand the energies behind love and gratitude, the power our thoughts have in manifesting our realities, and how non-attachment and sovereignty can improve our experience of the present. Continue reading

Neil Kramer – Waking Up [Video]

Neil Kramer is a writer, philosopher, and teacher specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, shamanism, and ancient mystical disciplines. He has made a lifelong study of philosophy, indigenous wisdom traditions, inner alchemy, occultism, and esoteric world history.

He shares his path of transformation in writings and interviews, and travels the world giving seminars, workshops and teachings. He has spoken at numerous international conferences on the nature of human consciousness and is a frequent guest on popular media networks.
Neil is a renowned figure in the consciousness and alternative communities, recognized for his message of empowerment, lucidity, and spiritual insight.

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Why Do We Ignore The Obvious?

choiceZen Gardner – I have a hard time with people not being willing to recognize what’s obviously in front of their faces. It’s a voluntary mind game people play with themselves to justify whatever it is they think they want. This is massively exacerbated by an array of social engineering tactics, many of which are to create the very mind sets and desires people so adamantly defend.

But that’s no excuse for a lack of simple conscious recognition and frankly makes absolutely no sense.

We can’t blame these manipulators for everything. Ultimately we all have free choice. Plainly seeing what’s right in front of our noses, no matter how well sold or disguised, is our human responsibility. That people would relinquish this innate right and capability totally escapes me.

The Handwriting On the Wall

Actually, it’s much more obvious than even that. Pointless wars costing millions of innocent lives, poisoned food, air and water, demolished resources, manipulated economies run by elitist bankers who nonchalantly lend money with conditions for “interest”, corporate profiteering at any cost to humanity, a medical system built on sickness instead of health, media mindmush poisoning children and adults alike, draconian clampdowns for any reason, and on and on.

Why is this not obvious to people that something is seriously wrong, and clearly intended to be just the way it is? Do they really think it’s gonna iron itself out, especially with clearly psychopathic power mad corrupt maniacs in charge? Continue reading