Why We All Need to Be a Little Bit Nutty

Healing Benefits of NutsDr. Michelle Kmiec – For thousands of years, nuts have been known for their versatility, flavor, texture, and most of all their health benefits. But did you know that the nut has a long history?

An archaeological excavation in Israel turned up the remnants of several different types of nuts thought to have been consumed by man around 780,000 years ago! And here’s the cool part, along with the remnants they also found different types of nutcrackers!  All around the world evidence of nuts are typically found near ancient human artifacts. Continue reading

Readily Available Foods Loaded With AntiOxidants

chemical resveratrolIt’s a known fact that the food you ingest on a regular basis either assists in maintaining a healthy body or creates problems that result in serious health conditions. That’s why it’s important to select foods that are known to provide excellent nutritional support and are full of antioxidants that cleanse toxins from your system.

The beverages, fruit and products listed below have been extensively researched and have proven to have a positive impact in maintaining a healthy system when ingested on a regular basis.

1. Green Tea

Green tea is an excellent anti-oxidant and has been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol. A 2013 review of many studies found green tea helped prevent a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure. It has also been found to assist in weight loss. There are many varieties to choose from that can be either brewed or purchased in powdered form. Click here for great deals on quality green tea and visit Cuppa Tea Moments to experience their 90 day taste test guarantee. Continue reading

Experts: Just 9 Of These A Day Can ‘Bust Stress Levels’

walnutsAre you stressed? Although much of our daily stress comes from financial burdens and relationship issues, sometimes something as simple as dietary adjustments can help make a difference. Even the smallest of foods can deliver some big results. According to a Penn State University study, eating a handful of walnuts every day can prepare your body to deal with stress and anxiety more efficiently.

For the study, researchers looked specifically at walnuts and walnut oil due to the tree nut containing polyunsaturated fats. These types of healthful fats influence our blood pressure both when we are at rest, and when we are feeling the pressure of a crazy day. People with an exaggerated response to stress often have higher risks for many diseases, including heart disease.

Looking at walnut omega 3-fatty acids, researchers wanted to know exactly how plant-derived fats would curb the cardiovascular response to stress. Twenty-two healthy adults with elevated LDL cholesterol ate three different diets, depending on the groups they were assigned, for six weeks. Continue reading