The Vatican and Dark Mother


satanicLisa Renee – As many of us are well aware, the past weeks have been mounting with interdimensional spiritual warfare that translates on the earth surface as disinformation and covert military operations. This warfare is engaged in the strategies of the end game battle against the shadow government and its organizations that have been run by the globalist Controllers or Luciferian bloodline families.

This phase brings us into the fog of warfare, where confusion, rumors, misinformation and military grade propaganda are being pushed aggressively in many opposing directions in order to subdue dissenters or incite the mob frenzy. Things will likely escalate into reports of news of assorted global conflicts that will sound extremely scary, as in reports of preludes to global warfare and nuclear weapon warring. Continue reading

Weaponizing Space Time

timeJoseph P Farrell – Hold on to your hats, sit down, pour yourself two or three fingers of your favorite “adult beverage”, and brace yourself, because this may be one for the record books. Ms. K. found this one, and it went right to the top of my list for this week’s offering of high octane speculation:

Sixth generation warfare: manipulating space and time

The article begins by providing an unusual perspective on the manipulation of electromagnetic systems, specifically, the Iraqi radars when Israel struck Iraq’s nuclear plant in the 1980s, and struck the Syrian reactor in 2007. This, the author notes, was as much about the manipulation of reaction times of the Syrians and Iraqis by compressing it, and expanding the “mission time” of Israeli striking forces. There was no actualmanipulation of time, but the effect of the electronic interference the Israelis utilized amounted to time manipulation: Continue reading

Bread, Circuses & Bombs – Decline Of The American Empire (Parts 1 & 2)

“The ruling elite sense the futility and foolishness of their folly, but their insatiable appetite for wealth, power, triumph and glory blind them to the destructive consequences of their actions upon the nation and their fellow man. Power and dominion over others is a powerful aphrodisiac for our current day emperors and self-preservation at all costs is their mantra.” – The Burning Platform

Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: Bread and Circuses.” – Juvenal – Satire (100 A.D.)


Roman satirist and poet Juvenal was displaying contempt for a degraded Roman citizenry that had shunned civic responsibility, shirked their duties of citizenship within a republic, and had chosen to sell their votes to feckless politicians for assurances of bread and circuses. Rather than govern according to noble principles based upon reason, striving for public policies that led to long term sustainability and benefitting the majority of citizens, politicians chose superficial displays and appeasing the masses utilizing the lowest common denominator of “free” food and bountiful spectacles, pageants, and ceremonies in order to retain power.

The Roman Empire’s decline stretched across centuries as the gradual loss of civic virtue among its citizenry allowed demagogues to gain power and barbarians to eventually overrun the weakened empire. While the peasants were distracted with shallow exhibitions of palliative pleasures, those in power were debasing the currency, enriching themselves, and living pampered lives of luxury. The Roman leaders bought public approval and support, not through exemplary public service, but through diversion, distraction, and the satisfaction of base immediate needs and desires of the populace. Satisfying the crude motivations of the ignorant peasants (cheap food and entertainment) is how Roman politicians bought votes and retained power. Free wheat, circus games, and feeding Christians to lions kept the commoners from focusing on politicians pillaging and wasting the empire’s wealth. Continue reading