Mind Virus Wetiko: Collective Shadow of Humanity

wetikoMakia Freeman – The existence of a mind virus that plagues all of humanity – every man, woman and child – at first may seem like a far out concept, but it’s an idea that has been around a long time in a lot of different cultures. Religion has grappled with the problem of evil for aeons. Deep down the rabbit hole of conspiracy research you will eventually get to the same theme – that there is some dark force coordinating the many nefarious schemes and agendas we witness daily in our world.

Although there are definitely outside beings and forces coordinating these agendas, including the hybrid royal bloodlines, negative ETs such as Greys and Reptilians, discarnate entities such as Djinn or Archons and some kind of self-aware AI, we ultimately have to ask ourselves: is this evil actually a real force outside of ourselves, or is it rather the collective unconsciousness of humanity that appears as its own force and entity but is not?

Are we infected with an actual mind virus installation, as the shaman warrior Don Juan of the Castaneda books suggested? Or are we facing the collective shadow, the disowned, unloved and unacknowledged parts of ourselves, which have been shoved down and repressed so much that they have become twisted and emerged as a monster appearing as its own lifeform?

Paul Levy on Wetiko, the Mind Virus of Humanity

It’s a big question, and the answer is not necessarily one or the other. I was recently impressed when watching the book release presentation of Paul Levy, who authored Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil. Paul shows a deep understanding of the mind virus theme, and explores it by talking about wetiko.

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Seeing Wetiko: Mind Viruses and Antidotes for a World in Transition

It’s delicate confronting these priests of the golden bull
They preach from the pulpit of the bottom line
Their minds rustle with million dollar bills
You say Silver burns a hole in your pocket
And Gold burns a hole in your soul
Well, uranium burns a hole in forever
It just gets out of control. – Buffy Sainte-Marie, “The Priests of the Golden Bull”1

Alnoor Ladha, Martin Kirk – What if we told you that humanity is being driven to the brink of extinction by an illness? That all the poverty, the climate devastation, the perpetual war, and consumption fetishism we see all around us have roots in a mass psychological infection? What if we went on to say that this infection is not just highly communicable but also self-replicating, according to the laws of cultural evolution, and that it remains so clandestine in our psyches that most hosts will, as a condition of their infected state, vehemently deny that they are infected?

What if we then told you that this ‘mind virus’ can be described as a form of cannibalism. Yes, cannibalism. Not necessarily in the literal flesh-eating sense but rather the idea of consuming others—human and non-human—as a means of securing personal wealth and supremacy.

You may dismiss this line of thinking as New Age woo-woo or, worse, a lefty conspiracy theory. But this approach of viewing the transmission of ideas as a key determinant of the emergent reality is increasingly validated by various branches of science, including evolutionary theory, quantum physics, cognitive linguistics, and epigenetics.

The history of this infection is long, strange, and dark. But it leads to hope.

Viruses of the Mind

The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme.
~ Daniel Quinn2

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