Globalists’ Polycrisis Of Doom Is Of Their Own Making

Globalists’ Polycrisis Of Doom Is Of Their Own MakingIain Davis – The world is apparently descending into chaos. With events such as the recent collapse of SVB bank adding to the problems allegedly caused by the pseudo-pandemic and the war in Ukraine, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Only a few years ago it was widely recognized that, by nearly every measure, global life outcomes were all improving. Suddenly, we’re all haunted by the specters of conquest, war, famine and death.

From the cost of living, energy and food crisis, to the threat of a widening international conflict, a climate disaster and now global financial collapse, we seem to be gripped by a global polycrisis. If there is a polycrisis it is entirely man-made. Continue reading

George Soros: Trump Has Almost Destroyed The New World Order

Sean Adl-TabatabaiGeorge Soros says he is alarmed and frustrated at the speed in which President Trump is dismantling the New World Order.

Speaking exclusively to the Washington Post, the billionaire globalist admits he regrets not foreseeing Trump’s meteoric rise to power.

Fearful that Trump “is willing to destroy the world”, Soros has vowed to “redouble [his] efforts” in pouring millions of dollars into opposing everything Trump stands for. reports: While the Hungarian-American might come off as full of doom and gloom in his interview, he actually has a reason to feel that way because Trump has single-handedly presided over the dismantlement of the Liberal-Globalist world order that Soros has worked for decades to build, destroying the old paradigm of Trans-Atlantic relations in a simple spree of tweets and presiding over the return of Christian morals, ethics, and values in American society, ideas that are absolutely anathema to the atheist billionaire. Continue reading

‘Soros Seeking To Head One World Government’

sorosSean Adl-Tabatabai –  A Republican Senator has publicly slammed billionaire globalist George Soros for attempting to head a ‘one world government’ that would serve the interests of oligarchs, not the people.

In an interview with RT, Richard Black, Republican Virginia state Senator, claims that Soros is deliberately allowing thousands of migrants to flood into Europe in order to destabilise the region and subvert democracy as part of a New World Order agenda. reports:

RT:  What reputation does George Soros and the Open Society Foundations have in the world? What role do they play? Continue reading

The Slithering Stealth of the Serpentine Invaders

illuminatiZen Gardner – This overwhelming yet cleverly obscured phenomenon of extremely patient, devious long range planning by the changing guard of the “powers that be” is of paramount importance.

The “patience of the planners” aspect eventually becomes evident to any sincere researcher, and literally haunts and even taunts with its seductive perfidy. Even putting your finger on this slippery subject is a chore, since we don’t think like they do and have a hard time even conceiving of such inter-generational, pathological conniving, the complete fulfillment of which most of whom would knowingly not see in their lifetimes.

It’s beyond us.

And that’s the key. They’re not normal. Something very powerful and sinister is driving them.

Fully developed conscious humans wouldn’t plot and scheme for generations to take over the world at any cost to its inhabitants. Most humans inherently trust and positively contribute in conscious, natural ways, endeavoring to pass on to their progeny loving wisdom and a better world. We natural born world citizens believe in the decency of humanity and that natural and spiritual laws are clearly delineated via the simplest observations of the world around us and the revelations of our awakened conscience.

Love and truth are not all that complicated. Continue reading

Agenda 21: Food Is The New Gold. Land Is The New Oil.

 NutritionalAnarchy  May 26 2014

“The United Nations, pushing its quest for a One World government fully endorse the ethos of flora and fauna over people. In fact, if they can reduce the amount of people along the way they will be exceedingly happy about it. ” ~Lizzie Bennett

FoodGrainsOver the last decade world grain reserves have fallen by at least a third and that decline looks set to continue. For the last half of the 20th century overproduction was the order of the day. Huge grain surpluses, butter mountains and milk lakes dominated the news.

During this period the United States had a farm programme where land lay idle to prevent even more surpluses, this provided a cushion against shortages, the land could be planted up if the surpluses fell to levels considered to be too low. In the UK land was left fallow and green manured to enrich it for the following season. The crops were rotated and the harvests were generally very good. In addition there was the carryover: The amount of grain left in the massive storage silos at the time the next crop is harvested. Other western nations had similar systems.

1965 is a good year to show how the system cushioned against disaster. In 1965 the Monsoon in India failed. The United states shipped a full fifth of its grain harvest to India which averted a potential famine. due to the amount of surplus in store the incident had a minimal effect on grain prices on the world markets.

There were occasional spikes during the period of 1950-2000, but the effects on world prices were a short lived thing. The weather was usually to blame and after a bit of a ‘blip’ everything settled down when the amount of idled land and the amount of food commodities in store were announced.

In 1950 the world had a population of 2.5 billion souls. By 1986 world demand for grain was rising rapidly due to an ever increasing population and the prices were starting to rise. In an effort to keep a surplus and to reduce or at least to stabilise the prices, the land idling programmes were reduced in both the United States and the UK, with other countries following suit until by 1990 most agricultural land that could be farmed was farmed. Continue reading