Seeing Through Walls… It’s Simple…

technologyJoseph P Farrell – In case you missed this development and story in your perusal of the internet and the latest technological scams being dreamed up to rob you of your privacy, I enclose it here for today’s high-octane speculation, as Mr. B.H. and many others saw this and sent it along in this week’s emails:

Scientists Have Found a Way to Photograph People Through Walls Using Wi-Fi

And, lest you missed it, here’s the first few paragraphs that pretty much say it all:

Wi-Fi can pass through walls. This fact is easy to take for granted, yet it’s the reason we can surf the web using a wireless router located in another room.

However, not all of that microwave radiation makes it to or from our phones, tablets, and laptops. Routers scatter and bounce their signal off objects, illuminating our homes and offices like invisible light bulbs.

Now, German scientists have found a way to exploit this property to take holograms, or 3D photographs, of objects inside of a room – from outside of the room.

“It can basically scan a room with someone’s Wi-Fi transmission,” Philipp Holl, a 23-year-old undergraduate physics student at the Technical University of Munich, told Business Insider.

Holl initially built the device as part of his bachelor thesis with the help of his academic supervisor, Friedemann Reinhard. Later on the two submitted a study about their technique to the journal Physical Review Letters, which published their paper in early May.

Holl says the technology is only in prototype stage at this point, and has limited resolution, but is excited about its promise.

“If there’s a cup of coffee on a table, you may see something is there, but you couldn’t see the shape,” Holl says. “But you could make out the shape of a person, or a dog on a couch. Really any object that’s more than 4 centimetres in size.”

Notably, the current state of resolution, as implied by the last paragraph, isn’t too great, but, as noted in the prior paragraph, “the technology is only in prototype stage at this point”.

As we all know, this is the beginning, and resolution will increase, and the ability to photograph, or even “film” inside a house using WiFi will come along in know time. And please note, “Wi-Fi can pass through walls… it’s the reason we can surf the web using a wireless router located in another room.”

Yes, thank you very much, I know that. It’s one reason I don’t use WiFi in my home. Granted, yes, they have the technology to send signals through the electrical wiring in your home, and to ride those wires to see what you’re doing – at least on your computer – anyway, but I see no reason to add to their capability.

Which brings me to my high octane speculation of the day: of course, one aspect of this is that we’re just now being told about it, and that the technology has probably been around for a while. We know the format of how all this works when “they” want to tell us about something they’re already doing. (1) Find a young college kid with some engineering skills and some smarts; (2) suggest a “thesis topic” to him; (3) publish his thesis, and voila the idea is out of the bag. But that’s not my high octane speculation.

The setup they are using requires a scanning antenna, a “reference” antenna, and a WiFi emitting antenna. Now stop and ask where they’re going to get all of those into your house, and think:

  1. Smart meters
  2. Smart appliances
  3. cellphones,
  4. ipads
  5. computers
  6. television
  7. (and for those of use still old fashioned) radios

But even that isn’t my high octane speculation. What each intrusion like this will ultimately do is spawn a major industry of countermeasures: housing contractors will inevitably start offering homes with the latest electronic counter-measure siding and roofing, security companies will increasingly offer “privacy” security services and products, and ultimately, yes, more and more people will simply go completely off the grid, make their own electricity, listen to the radio the old fashioned way (by tuning into a broadcast), send physical letters or use shortwave, and read physical books and not the internet.

And there will be a whole new kind of profiling emerge (and I strongly suspect it already has), a profile that runs from “national security state compliant household” to “completely off the grid and largely unmonitorable” and therefore “highly suspect.” Indeed, the “countermeasure” industry is already just starting up, but I suspect, as the police state expands and as more and more layers of technology are added, that the countermeasure industry will be one of the major growth industries of the future, with the real financial jackpot going to whomever can come up with the “scanner blaster”, that fries anyone’s equipment that is trying to scan your household without your permission.

In the meantime, before you go to bed tonight, better join the tin-foil hat crowd and wrap or cover up that WiFi antenna – and any smart appliances – with a loose tent-like covering of foil. Think of the idea as a kind of “tea-caddy” with an inner layer of tinfoil, with a decorative outer covering. Before long, they’ll be selling “Decorative Faraday Cages for Any Appliance” on amazon.

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Giza Death Star May 2017

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