Greg Caton: Earth Changes May Be Imminent [Audio & Transcript]

The Native people of South America are STILL preparing for Earth changes, warns Greg Caton, who was kind enough to visit the Atlsider for a second time…

Before listening to this interview please see some of the background to Greg’s story as presented by Mike Adams (Infowars/NaturalNews) here –> FDA dupes Interpol to achieve illegal kidnapping and deportation of herbal formulator Greg Caton

After listening to the interview you may be able to get much more information on medical history, medicines, alternative treatments and Greg’s personal story and philosophy at

Greg Caton

Yan: Hi everyone, I want to welcome you back to FutureTalk on I would also like to welcome back Greg Caton who graciously accepted to do a repeat visit to this podcast. Greg has been very kind and helpful to this Altsider endeavor as he was one of the people who spurred me on to take up podcasting and he was also one of my very first guests. Coincidentally he has also been very kind and very helpful to many other people because of his line of work or his calling, which has something to do with alternative/natural ways of treating a variety of medical conditions. You can learn more about Greg’s personal journey from his free on-line book called Meditopia, which is very informative. But, Greg, to get the pleasantries out of the way, I would like to ask you: are you in or out of jail at the moment and how have you been doing for this past year?

Greg: Miraculously, I am not really sure how I actually find myself out of prison at the moment… I am being facetious.

Yan: As far as I remember, you and Osama bin Laden used to be buddies and you shared an ad space with him in a newspaper as the most wanted criminals in the world.. but allegedly they did get rid of Osama bin Laden – my question is: what did you do that Osama was apparently not able to do – how did you get away with it?

Greg: Well, look… I wrote an essay this last September – there is this kind of series of occasional essays that I post – they are called Ashwins… and in that particular article I happen to quote William Colby – the director of the CIA who in 1991 was quoted by several sources to have made the statement that “we control everybody in the media and we are quickly reaching a point where everything that Americans believe is false.” They are proud of that. This is a whole discipline in the area of governance that is called PM – perception management.

In other words we as a government we are not very good at governing unless we can get people to believe things that are unbelievably unreal. Only when we get people to defy their own experiences do we know that we control them. I know that to the average person this might be a conspiracy theory or that this might be a very twisted story of government but please try to keep in mind that if you actually examine all the ancient texts – the texts of the Nag Hammadi, Zoroastrian texts, Vedic text they all tell you that government was never invented by people…

Homo sapiens did not invent government – government was invented by extraterrestrials, evil extraterrestrials. You don’t have to watch the History channel or watch back episodes of Ancient Aliens to see this – you just have to be a person that is a reader, as I have been, of ancient texts… and they talk about this. I remember reading Thomas Sheridan’s work – he has got a popular book, you can see it online called “Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath” and it is written by Irish author Thomas Sheridan and the point that he makes in his work is that there is a reason why consistently the people who rise to the top in the major governments around the world – they are true psychopaths! There is a reason for this.

There is a reason why good people don’t ascend to the top. There is a reason why the cream rises to the top but this is a brand of milk where the cream that rises to the top of the milk is psychopathic! So that is why you see these things and that is why you see these outrageous statements – yes, I was on the World’s Most Wanted list in Parade magazine in February of 2008 and to answer your question how did I get there and didn’t end up in this position of Osama bin Laden is because they do these things to test people because, as I make this point in the recent essay that I wrote, the news… once you get past the obituaries and married section, and the sports section, and the advertizements, the news does not exist to inform you..

The news exists to test your stupidity and measure your gullibility and once you come to that realization, you have ascended to a whole new level of intellectual understanding of how your world works and if you haven’t reached that point yet – you know nothing of either history or current affairs!

Yan: Greg, let me bring you back to the real world… You mentioned aliens – I usually don’t talk about aliens… but let me bring you back to the real world – I have an article, which I wanted to discuss with you – it is from NaturalSociety – they mention that Americans spent 374 billion on big pharma drugs last year – this is the biggest jump since 2001. I want to talk about that because apparently drugs are in big demand. Maybe people are sensing that there is something utterly wrong with their world and their minds and their bodies are responding to that and now they require treatment. How would you comment on that – almost 400 billion on big pharma drugs used last year?

Greg: There is a number of factors that feed into this. One of them is just how oppressive the government is toward any kind of natural remedies – we are completely divorced from the idea that medications have anything to do with curing people! It has to do with making money. I think that in a way the medical-industial complex is merely mimicking the other elements of society that are intent on controlling people. They actually have this idea that people exist to be controlled, because they are debt slaves anyway so why shouldn’t we find more ways of taking advantage of them!

I make a point in Meditopia to quote Thoreau – Henry David Thoreau – something he said in 1855 when he said that it is really sad – even the American Indians are beginning to lose their knowledge of the natural remedies, which has been thier heritage for centuries. This was a statement that was merely made seven years after the founding of the American Medical Association in 1848. So this has been going on for a long time. The more pharmaceutical drugs that people use, the sicker that they get! People don’t understand that the medical system exists to find ways of creating problems that they can fix.

Let’s talk about cancer, for instance – how many people feel that the doctor has reinforced in their minds, when they are suspected of having cancer, the importance that they have to go and get a biopsy? Look doctors knew in the 1800s that when you cut into a cancer you cause metastasis – you cause it to spread! So when it comes to surgical intervention or when it comes on the diagnostic side to giving people biopsies why do they do it? Well, they do it because it is just good business and if you don’t do good business you are stupid!

And what is good business and how does it relate to medicine? Good business is to make your patient pay for a procedure or pay for a drug that guarantees that he’ll have a problem a year, or a two, or three down the road and they would have to come back and get more drugs, and get more treatment, and get more testing. That is just good business!

There was an article that I wrote in 2012… I wrote an essay about comparing modern medicine to a very common piece of knowledge in business administration. We know in business administration about the rise of this idea of built-in obsolescence. I am going to build a car or a lawnmower, or a dishwasher, or whatever it may be and I am really a stupid designer if I don’t make it that that piece of equipment requires maintenance, requires you to buy spare parts… And there is a historical precedent for the wisdom of making crappy products that break down and constantly need to be repaired.

The war, as an instance, in the earlier 20th century between Ford Motor company and General Motors – we know who really came out on top of that battle was General Motors – General Motors made a far more adept adaption of the principles of built-in obsolescence to make things that broke down. And how this article came to be is that I had read an article on Reader’s Digest many years ago by the way.. about a light bulb in the US in a fire station that was over a hundred years old – I wanted to make the point that how is it possible that in the year 1900 they knew how to make a light bulb that would last more than a century and here in Ecuador… even here in Ecuador the light bulbs that we buy are made in China.. how come I am stuck with all this Chinese-made crap and the average light bulb last maybe 3-4 months?

There is a little bit of a difference between a light bulb that lasts a hundred years and a light bulb that last 3-4 months! Is this intentional? The point that I make is – you are a complete idiot if you don’t understand that not only is it intentional but it is a part of the actual discipline of business administration!

When you take that principle of business administration and you apply it to medicine – what do you get? You get products that are intended to break down, because at that point in the application of built-in obsolescence is what has to break down to ensure sales? We have to make sure that YOU break down! We have to make sure that you get sick! If we don’t follow that, we are not following the supreme wisdom of business administration. I know that some of your listeners may think that this is the cynical view of life but once you’ve been in this business as long as I have you are able to see with crystal clarity the kind of underlying principles that guide things and if you don’t think these things through you become victimized by them.

Yan: Right, and, Greg, you mentioned something about the suppression of natural remedies and I just wanted to read something else from another article on ActivistPost – they say “A Man from UK quits chemo and beats cancer with cannabis” – I would like you to comment on that but just to clarify something: at the moment marijuana, cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug in the US and a Schedule 1 basically classifies a substance as harmful, addictive, and without any medical benefits. Greg, do you think that there is any truth to that – that cannabis is harmful, addictive, and without medical benefits?

Greg: I don’t think it’s true. It is interesting the people that will say this are those that have no problems with the fact that cigarettes and alcohol are legal.. and, you know… Look at how many people’s lives are destroyed by that and you don’t see the same problems in society resulting from marijuana use that you see from the abuse of tobacco and alcohol… I just think it is ridiculous!

To get more to the core of your question as it relates to this individual – we know physiologically what happens with the ingestion of cannabinoids – there is benefit! I tend to think that the position of both parties is a little bit exaggerated.

As you know I am in the alternative cancer field – I deal in herbs that are known to have well established anti-cancer properties.. so this is kind of in my field. I view cannabis somewhat the way I view apricot seeds – by the same token you do have people just like in the marijuana crowd, who will say cannabis is a cancer cure, you’ve got people who say apricot seeds are a cancer cure, because of the content of vitamin B17 and so forth… My view is that they help, I think that their benefits are more long-term.

There are, in terms of epidemiology, there are studies of certain groups, particularly like in Turkey where you’ve got certain cohorts – people who regularly ingest apricot seeds… but this is over a life time… and they’ve got low cancer rates. If you’ve already got cancer, I can tell you right now from my 25 years of experience, your chances of actually.. I don’t care how many apricot seeds you eat.. the chances of you ameliorating your cancer just based on the ingestion of that alone is actually quite slim. Similarly, I think there is definite medical benefits to cannabinoids but I think there is something else going on there and I think that is that a lot of people who enjoy its use recreationally, chime-in, beating that drum and I just tend to think that it is exaggerated because I have had more people telling me that they were spending a lot of money on cannabis oil that told they weren’t really getting the results that they were anticipating than those who actually said, yeah, this really made a difference. So I think that the truth like a lot of things in life – I think that the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Yan: Right, and I think it is important to throw that out there and clarify it…

Greg: .. But going back to the question itself – I have no reason to believe that this man.. what did you say he was in the UK? I have no reason to believe that that is not an accurate report. There are quite a number of cases of that but conversely there are also cases of people who have spent a lot of money over a long period of time, used cannabis oil and didn’t get the benefit… Which I think underscores even a deeper truth and I think that that deeper truth is that I don’t believe that there will ever be such a thing as one uniform cure for all cancers – I don’t think it exists – I don’t think they’ll ever find it.

Cancer is a term that is kind of a blanket term for over 200 different kinds of different malignancies and so therefore the idea that you’ll find one thing that cures everything, I just think that is very unlikely. I do have some herbs, as an instance, that are really only beneficial to one particular group of cancers. For instance, I deal in Sangre de Drago, which is the sap of a tree. It is very commonly used here in South America and that particular substance, that particular tree sap works very well on a wide variety of cancers of the reproductive organs; it doesn’t work for cancer of the liver and the lungs, brain, bone, etc! We don’t really know why.

There hasn’t been enough research to know why is it that this one particular herb would be so helpful for cancers in this one particular area and not so much on other areas. Again, I think that we have to look at cancer for what it is – it is a blanket term for a wide range of different malignancies just like when people say “well, I’ve got a mole, what do I do about it?” Well, what does the word mole mean? I mean, my God, the word mole can be used for everything from a birth mark to an age or a liver spot, to a Cherry angioma – innumerable different things can cause something that on the skins, the average person would call a mole! Similarly, we have to look at cancer in a kind of a broader scope.

Yan: Could we use the term holistic medicine?

Greg: Well, that’s a whole other area – when you use the term ‘holistic’ – I think in the vernacular it just means something that is more open to other products and systems of healing and modalities that go beyond this kind of very narrow frame-work that the medical industrial complex wishes to give us. I should say give us! Should I say give us? I should really say force down our throats.. GMO – we are forcing it down your throats; Roundup – we are going to force it down your throat…; chemtrails – we are going to force them down your lungs…

Yan: …And vaccines – we are going to force them down you veins…

Greg: … force them into you veins, there you go…

transcript part 2 – Ayahuasca may be the Cure

► Full Interview (save as): Altsider Interviews Greg Caton (2.0)

Transcript part 1: Nation of the Addicted

Transcript part 2:  Ayahuasca may be the Cure

SF Source Altsider  May 2015

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