Waving Or Drowning?

Waving Or Drowning?Lorna Bevan – March is the pivotal month of 2023 as both heavy hitters Saturn and Pluto change signs and, in the process, begin to change our reality.

On March 7 at the Virgo Full Moon, prepare for a deep dive into the Piscean waters of flux, churn and dissolution in the austere company of Lord of Time and Karma Saturn. Also known as the Dweller on the Threshold, the Guru or Master Teacher, I think of him as Obi Wan Kenobi – your own Jedi Coach.

This is going to be a surreal Saturn mission – a meeting of the planet of structure and boundaries with Pisces, the sign of dissolving back to Source

Saturn will be in Pisces from March 7 2023 to May 24 2025 and then again from August 31 2025 to Feb 13 2026. Previous transits:

• March 24 1964 – Sep 16 1964
• Dec 16 1964 – Mar 3 1967
• May 21 1993 – Jun 30 1993
• Jan 29 1994 – April 7 1996

If you have any planets or angles such as Ascendant/Descendant, MC/IC in Pisces, Virgo/ Gemini/Sagittarius, the next 3 years will be a reality testing process of crystallizing a new maturity – no matter what age you are.

Are you ready to evolve beyond your current self-created limitations, deal with the harsh realities of life and use your powers for a purpose?

• choices have to be made and stances taken

• actions matter more than intentions

• if you are flaky, lacking sobriety and accountability, you are likely to drown

• be impeccable with your word

• learn to swim upstream through untruths, conspiracy theories, GOOP type distractions, clickbait and consumerism

• be kind and sensitive to the more vulnerable, messy, or chaotic parts of yourself

• quietly working hard can be a real strength – put your ego aside to get things done

Essential Resource. Immediate Digital Download! “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to Saturn in Pisces 2023-2026”

New! Get your Personal March 2023-2024 Year Ahead Forecast

Chandra Symbol Saturn enters PISCES 1: A field of dandelions.

“Teeming with mass consciousness. You feel yourself to be as anonymous and undifferentiated as you can possibly be.

Hiding in this identification is comfortable and safe, and it can be prolonged indefinitely. While you wait here with individuality suspended and all of life being right at hand, the most remarkable discoveries can take place.

In particular, you are welcomed and invited to know the ancestors, to know the collective, to know the sweep of evolution intimately and compulsively, to be swept along on the tides of time, to stay bonded and rooted in the dream plant state.

It is a rapture and an abandon. Eventually it satiates itself. And then you are sprung very fresh and very new, to be free in the world, and to make the ultimate discovery of the vast difference between casting your fate to the winds and being vitally present in the moment’s dawning with a celebratory fervor.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Mar 2023

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