What are the warning signs of sleep apnea?

Sleep ApneaSleep apnea is a very common but potentially serious sleep disorder. More than 200000 people get diagnosed with sleep apnea every year in the US alone. Older data suggested that older males are at higher risk for sleep apnea, especially those suffering from obesity. But more recent studies suggest that sleep apnea doesn’t dominate a certain age group or sex. It is actually spread out fairly equally among men, women and even children of all races and ethnicities.

Can sleep apnea be diagnosed easily? Diagnosis usually requires a sleep study and a medical professional involved. Are there warning signs of sleep apnea? Yes! The earlier sleep apnea is diagnosed, the easier it is to avoid lifelong health consequences. Here is a list of the most common warning signs of sleep apnea. If you experience these regularly and in a combination of at least two, it may be time to receive a health evaluation by a medical doctor.

Warning signs of sleep apnea

Frequent loud snoring can be a warning sign of sleep apnea, but usually, it’s not the only symptom. Just loud snoring by itself can be very disruptive to your sleep partner, but just snoring alone rarely indicates the presence of sleep apnea. A person can also have sleep apnea without snoring at all.

Pause in breathing. Stopping to breathe for at least 10 seconds while sleeping is one of the major warning signs of sleep apnea. Generally, your family or sleep partner notices the interrupted breathing first. If you have been told, that you stop breathing while sleeping, it could be a sign of sleep apnea.

Feeling tired in the morning even if you slept all night? People with sleep apnea are often unable to get restful sleep. Frequent awakenings during the night interrupt continuous sleep cycles. Lack of restorative sleep will make you feel tired every morning even if you spend all night in bed sleeping.

More signs of Sleep Apnea

Another sign is choking or gasping for air while sleeping. There are multiple different types of sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea may cause narrowed airways that become relaxed while sleeping. That can cause the airways to close off completely during sleep causing temporary choking or waking up gasping for air.

Insomnia is another culprit. Persistent regular insomnia could be a sign of sleep apnea as well. The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep is frequently caused by stress hormone overflow associated with sleep apnea disorder.

Do you have daytime sleepiness and fatigue? If you find yourself tired all the time, excessively sleepy during the day and wake up with headaches, these symptoms could be caused by existing sleep apnea disorder.

If you experience any of these signs or symptoms, you should consider talking to your doctor. Sleep apnea can cause serious illnesses. These illnesses are hypertension, heart disease, and memory problems. A sleep study would most like to be recommended to diagnose sleep apnea. To learn more about sleep apnea warning signs and treatment options go to https://lowtcenter.com/sleep-apnea-clinic/

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of sleep apnea?

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