What I’ve Learned about Writing a Persuasive Essay

essayI remember my first year in college vividly. It was like everything was falling apart. Dealing with homesickness and a new crazy schedule was not  easy.

It got worse when I learned I had to write a persuasive essay.  I had no idea what a persuasive essay was and I did not understand the explanation given in class on how to do it. If only I knew then what I know now I’m wiser and can practically write one in my sleep!

The truth is, regardless of the type of writing you’re doing, putting your ideas into written form isn’t easy.  In fact it’s an issue even great writers face. And while there are quality sites like studymoose.com that can write an essay for you it’s always best to do it yourself.  To assist you here are some tools and tricks I’ve learned that will help you write a good persuasive essay.


A great trick I’ve learned is to identify a topic and position that engages the reader. Think of your introduction as the equivalent of a sales pitch. The first statement should make the reader want to read your entire essay.

Make sure you write from the reader’s perspective. Ask yourself, “Have I met the expectations and needs of the reader?” You must make sure not to discuss something the audience won’t relate to or understand. A persuasive essay should be both empathetic and convincing.

Less is always more

Today’s readers have shorter attention spans than earlier generations and do not desire to digest a large barrage of information. To maintain interest write short, succinct sentences and place these in shorter paragraphs. When readers see large chunk of texts they are usually turned off. They assume it’s boring and likely not worth the time to read.

End with hope

How you conclude your essay is key. It needs to not only sum up your topic but also show the possibility of change and hope for the future. Show them through practical lessons learned in your own life that they can easily make their lives better and happier with a little effort.

Edit your essay

Always make sure you go through your essay to ensure it is well written and well structured. If you have a friend who can proofread and edit for you, that’s the best way to go.

Wrapping it up

Writing a persuasive essay is tougher than writing any other type of essay because it means choosing a controversial yet interesting topic to write about. It’s hoped that with the tips listed above you’ll find it easier to tackle your essay assignment and write something that is both engaging and informative.

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