Who Is Going to Take The Most Out of Internet of Things?

Internet Of Things (IoT)As you’re reading this, there are more devices connected to the internet than there are humans living on this planet. But with all these devices, finding a way to connect all of them was just as important as it was inevitable. The Internet of Things consists of a system of devices connected to the internet that share information and data with each other.

These IoT devices do not need to simply be laptops, phones or televisions but instead, they can be animals as well with UID chips. You can turn on your TV to your favorite content with IoT devices. Comcast offers a tonne of packages with their Xfinity plan- perfect for just about every user. Head to this link to learn more about its prices and plans.

Graphs have shown that if this rate keeps up, there will be over 20 billion IoT devices by 2021. With that in mind, you too must be wondering how you can take the most out of IoT devices. This guide should help you understand who is going to be able to benefit most from IoT.

Home automation devices

Home automation devices are finding their places in homes very quickly. Google Home and Amazon’s Echo are the two most widely known and used ones. They allow the users to perform a variety of different tasks simply over voice commands. Turn on the TV, set a reminder, listen to you favorite songs and so much more. Additionally, we’re also seeing smart fridges and toasters on the rise.

Odd as that may sound, with these home automation devices, you can have them be doing their jobs without you raising a finger. Smart fridges can keep track of your groceries and with Echo or Google Home, you can directly order them off of the internet.

Transportation industry

I know, you’ll probably be thinking that driverless cars is the only benefit the transport industry will get from IoT but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The most accurate example for this has to be the Tesla cars. Tesla cars, when purchased, are connected to an IoT device that comes with the car.

In addition to providing you with the best routes, Tesla cars can now also receive upgrades wirelessly. One update raises the suspension of the cars when a certain speed is reached, thus improving upon the safety of the driver. Not only that, commercial drones are on the rise as well which can now deliver packages too.

City municipal bodies

We all want to live in a futuristic era with flying cars and neon lights everywhere. With the integration of IoT in our local governing bodies, it is a possibility. Automatic street lights turning on and off, automatic parking meters, cleaning of roads at timely hours, cameras that track traffic and report back the data.

All of these are made possible due to the IoT devices. Additionally, there are some projects that have smart parking systems in them. These will report directly to nearby cars and inform them of open parking spots.

Healthcare industry

There are a lot of healthcare apps that you can use for your benefit. This article here sums it up and you should definitely give it a read. In addition to that, smart watches like FitBit and Apple Watch certainly are very popular but health monitoring devices are incredibly important.

Blood pressure, sugar level and other types of monitoring all need to be at all times for patients who need them. With the advancement of IoT, the options are extended beyond just monitoring. This data is reported and transmitted back where the doctors are able to come up with treatments quickly.

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Out of Internet of Things?

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