Self Consciousness

Enlightening Life | March 26 2012

consciousnessThe self plays an important role on the Path of Consciousness because it is through the self and its many different aspects that we are aware of our emotional, energetic and vibrational reality. Through awareness of the material self, our third dimensional, human self aspect, we are aware of our disconnection, fear and alone-ness in a vast Universe that we cannot control. But that is an illusion which lacks the element for transformation, enlightenment. To become conscious within our highest self aspects we can ‘enlighten’ the self, reminding us of our divinity and joining our human self into our spiritual self.

From the human perspective, being self conscious is where we are uncomfortable, recognize where we don’t fit in, are lacking in some way and are powerless, uncentered and grounded in a reality that lacks a foundation of spiritual truth. Through this type of self consciousness we see every fault and imperfection and how they are reflected in our reality. Being self conscious reminds us of our humanity and of how far removed we are from our divinity. This is our most powerless aspect and yet it is the one we use most often to interpret and navigate the world and our place in it.

But when we consider the many different aspects of the self, all of which can be expressed as different levels of consciousness, we can choose what we will be aware of and can then apply enlightenment to those areas. Are we weak and afraid? Enlightenment will release our fear and give us courage. Are we feeling undeserving and unworthy? Enlightenment will remind us that we are deserving and worthy of abundant, limitless blessings. Are we feeling unloved? Enlightenment reconnects us to our inner source of unconditional love and empowers us to be loving with ourselves, which attracts love to us.

Our reality unfolds according to the self aspect we choose to express. To create a different reality, we have to enlighten this self aspect and raise its energy. How much enlightenment is required? It depends on which self aspect we choose, our intention for enlightenment and the desired outcome for our post-enlightenment awareness. Our intention for joy, peace and abundance will guide us to the level of enlightenment required to achieve those things. Our need for love, feelings of worthiness and fear of lack will compel us to look for enlightenment from others, instead of turning on our inner light. As we choose our path, our self consciousness can express the highest, most powerful aspects of who we are and our enlightened being will manifest the heaven on earth that can be our path of consciousness.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

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