Everything’s Contagious, So Let’s Blast the Planet with Positivity

The Media Brings us down

peopleBetsy Dewey – The world seems abundantly full of negativity these days. War, division, depression, hate, child abuse, almost everything we hear about is screaming sickness – our politics, our addictions, our dependence on government and drugs, the state of public education. The list seems endless. What I know is that there is balance. For every horrendous thing happening at this very moment, there is something beautiful happening out there to balance it, and we can be a part of it. If the world is out of balance, as it certainly appears to be, then why don’t we just band together and push the see-saw in the other direction. I don’t expect Utopia, as human nature is its opponent. The next generation will have to learn civility like we have, but maybe we can all have it better.

I am not a religious person, but I do appreciate the great teachers who have taught us peace and to love one another. It’s interesting that religions spring up in these teachers’ names posthumously. We worship these teachers, and for good reason. They’ve brought us gifts. They’ve taught us patience, kindness, forgiveness, selflessness and the rest of the laundry list of ways to create positivity in our lives. We live in an increasingly secular world, which makes sense given what has happened in the name of some of these religions. People are turned off by the it’s my way or the highway fanaticism and fear that accompanies most religions. How do we know which one is right? And the answer comes… faith. Okay. Well, that’s still selling there’s only one way to God. Watching the religions duke it out over the last few millennia shows how absurd religious followers can be. Many people out there keep religion at a safe distance.

God’s too big for just one religion ~ Michael Franti

The problem with the secular movement is that we’ve thrown the baby out with the bath water.

These teachers taught us things. They weren’t pompous enough to say, “Worship me.” They just wanted us to know that we are loved, that communion with the divine will change your life, and that we can forgive and be forgiven. They taught us boat loads of great info, but then people twisted it into fear-based non-sense in order to control the masses. Back when people believed in Hell, they were likely to do what the church said. I digress.

Let’s Consciously make the world a better place – you and me!

The point of this post is an idea – the idea that since everything and everyone is contagious, that we consciously band together (those of us who truly love this world and the people in it) and make the world a pinker place. Let me explain. Years ago, I came up with the Purple Planet philosophy. Imagine that the positive, happy people are red, and the negative, grumpy ones are blue. Most people are walking around as some shade of purple, some pinker, some bluer. They are all contagious. When we get around people with positive vibes, we turn a little pinker. When we get around bummer dudes, we get a little bluer.

If you were to look at Earth from space, you’d see redder places on Earth and bluer ones, different shades of purple. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. There are places on the planet where on the whole, people are friendly and helpful. There are also places where everybody’s in a bad mood. You can feel it when you drive into a town. Texas and Italy are two places I know of where it’s pretty darn red. People smile at you, help you if you drop something, speak, wave, are quick to laugh. Paris and most cities are the opposite. On the subway, if you look around, half of the people look partially dead. They won’t make eye contact with you. They’re in pissy moods. You feel yourself contracting and getting bummed.

When I thought up this philosophy, I set out to make Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where I lived at the time, a pinker place. And I was doing just fine at it, when I came across…

Absolute Blue.

There was a woman who owned and ran one of the pubs where my band played. She hated me. In fact, I think she hated everyone. She was ALWAYS frowning. Now, bless her soul, I have no idea what happened to her to make her that way, but what I realized was that there are people out there on whom no red can rub off. All they can do is make you blue. I call these people absolute blue. They are going to have to save themselves. Bless them and then run away from them as fast as you can. They will only destroy the work you’ve done.

Then the question arises: is there such thing as absolute red? Unfortunately, I think the answer is no, at least for normal people who have yet to reach Nirvana. You can be so blue, that nothing can touch you and bring you up. But even the reddest people I know can get blued on. I’ve seen it. I had a college professor at Vanderbilt – Luigi Monga was his name, and ironically, he was Italian. He was a really really happy guy. He rubbed off on everybody. He made me love French Poetry of the Renaissance so much that I ended up getting a Master’s degree in the stuff.

Anyway, one day, I’m not sure what happened to him, but I saw him so low that I felt my own heart break.

I also saw another one of the most positive and freely-giving-of-her-light people I know go into a funk that lasted for weeks. I know for sure that hers was over a painful divorce. People can blue all over a really red person. It happens. Then again, I never personally met Jesus or the Buddha. I imagine they were absolute red.

Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness

It dawns on me that my purple planet philosophy meshes nicely with Dr. David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, in a nutshell, he figured out a logarithmic way of determining people’s vibrational levels. The scale goes from 20-1000. People living in guilt, fear and shame are at the low end of the vibrational scale, on up to those who live in love being around 500, and those who’ve reached enlightenment are at 1,000. It’s a really cool concept that goes hand in hand with the contagious thing. People who are vibrating at a high level provide a counterbalance for those who low. Here is an article about it. Pretty cool to try and figure out where you are. There are places that vibrate at a high frequency and places where entire cultures are living in fear.

So the idea here is to go out there and make the world a pinker, more high vibrational place. How? Smile. Be friendly. Be positive. Jump in the shower with the intention of washing away any negativity. Do a bunch of work on yourself, and remember what the great teachers have taught us.

Some Quotes from our greatest teachers:

Continue reading . . .

SF Source Betsy Dewey  May 2016

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