Remember Who You Truly Are

remember who you areKenton David Bell – You are a thought. You are an idea. You are all that ever has been and ever will be. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the beginning and the end… and the beginning again and again.

When you begin to “see” yourself as the Creator you begin to see who you truly are. You begin to remember all that has come before and from this platform you begin to get a sense of what is to come next.

When we are in the Shift of Ages, as we are now, it gives us a glimpse, a window, into the other Shifts of Ages we have experienced in previous cycles. These are very unique moments in the 26,000 year cycles. One can begin to have a unique experience during these moments. It is as if you can “bend” or see the “bend” in the present time continuum as well as the past and future times of shift. It gives one a unique opportunity to actually see many of Creations’ Ages at once.

Nothing real can be threatened. This is a rule to live by as you begin to “peel” away the layers that are not you, that are illusion. Live in the truth of who “you” are. Laugh at the Illusions!

The core of who you are is Love and Light. Pure and simple!

You have the experience of duality here. Source in its true nature knows no duality. You can choose to have the mind of God in your life. You can choose to live your life from the direction and mind of Source… this is the mind of Love. It is totally, absolutely, even magnificently truly who you are!

Today say, I choose to live from the mind of God. I allow Source to guide me in all decisions in all ways and all directions, today and every day… So Be It!

Where before you saw difference, you begin to see similarity. Where before you felt hate, you begin to feel love and acceptance. Where before you saw something as foreign and different, you begin to see it as something similar and interesting. These are all aspects of you, my friends, my beloveds.

Feel all the old judgements, polarities falling away. Allow the Love and truth of who you are to enter You…

Living in the world is a choice you make every day. You choose your world moment to moment. Your thoughts create the blueprint of your experiences. Your emotions fill out the experience. When you choose to choose you are the designer of your experience. When you choose not to choose you are still the designer of your experience.

There is not another source besides you creating your experience. “You are the Source.” When you assign another source to the creation of your experience you are creating a disempowered platform in which you experience life from. Create from the Knowing-ness that you are the “Source!”

Sometimes you need to loose sight of familiar lands in order to find new horizons. When this happens know that all is well. The more lost and confusing life can seem in these moments is proportionate to the level of manifestation you are calling forth!

We often think of the known as safe and secure. This is only an illusion. More often than not we need to venture into the unknown to really experience that which we are seeking. Go for the “Gold!”

There is a memory inside each and every one of you, in your DNA, that has this memory of the Garden, an experience of Heaven and Earth being one and the same. An experience of no illusion, only Love, Source, God. This experience is within you. It is the Great Remembrance, of remembering who you truly are and what is possible. To remember that you are Creation. Creation is Love. Creation is Desire and Passion.

It really is a memory. It really is time for you to remember “who you truly are”… Now!

Heaven on Earth is here now! It always has been and always will be! You need to see and experience it to become a believer. Make no mistake it has always been and will always be. The Key is though the Heart. Heaven on Earth is what you make it to be. It can go whichever way you choose!

SF Source Team Beloved Dec 2011

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