Wingmakers Music & Art


Merhlin writes ~ There is something about this artwork and music that touches one’s soul. This particular piece (as with the others found at the Ancient Arrow site) is very busy, almost overwhelming to the eye. I have tried to break it down for the eye and then put it back together again. The idea behind the paintings is that there is meaning in the symbols and there is communication that is going on at a deeper (subconscious?) level than we may readily perceive with our limited senses. The meaning of this piece is left up to the viewer

Wingmakers  December 8 2008

4 thoughts on “Wingmakers Music & Art

    1. Thanks for letting me know this about the Sylphs, Orgoknight. And you’re welcome to repost the article as long as you provide a link reference to Shift Frequency. Blessings. ~G

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